Chapter 113: But I Love Him Best

Facebook Status - Dani King: I can't even.

Things had been interesting, for lack of a better word, around the house since Dani had received the paperwork from Ron and Georgia. Nate had been trying to do anything and everything he could to support her, but Dani had done what she did best in situations like this, shut down and retreat into herself. Nate didn't take it personally. He realized she needed time to process, and he'd give it to her. He would be there for her when she needed him, and even when she didn't think she did.

That's why he was glad they were headed over to Laura's house for dinner. Dani had been too wrapped up in everything, and Nate hoped that being around her family would help.

"You ready to go?" Dani asked as she came out of the bathroom showered and wrapped in a towel.

"I'm a lot closer to being ready than you are."

"Ha-ha. It'll take me all of ten minutes to finish up," she told him. "I'll have to make sure everything is ready for Reece."