Chapter 138: I Deserve That

Has Wil Harris finally met someone? Last night at a function at his old high school, Wil Harris was seen talking to a woman. There seemed to be a connection between them, and that leaves everyone wondering if the last member of the band is now taken.

Rachel couldn't believe it. She sat at her computer looking at pictures of the man she'd been talking to for months but hadn't even realized it. Women everywhere would kill for the chance, but her heart had been torn in a million pieces.

"Are you okay?" Paige asked from the door.


"Want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"What happened with that guy?"

Paige didn't get that "not really" meant she wanted to be left alone. Rachel got it though. It was a big deal. It wasn't everyday a friend had a big blow up with someone famous. She also appreciated that Paige acted like it was no big deal she'd been talking with someone famous.