Chapter 145: You Didn't Have To

Just days after Wil Harris is spotted at a restaurant in Chicago with a new woman, he boards a plane with none other than Kelly Mattis. Kelly and Austin worked together last year, leaving fans craving more, but looks like she's making music with Wil Harris. That has us wondering if they really do keep it all in the band.

It'd been a week since Wil had sat with Rachel at an upscale restaurant in Chicago and they'd promised to try and be friends again. Seven days since he'd walked her to the door of her apartment, watched as she made a face like she wanted him to kiss her, but instead of going for it like he wanted to, left her with a kiss to the forehead. One hundred and sixty-eight hours had passed, and Rachel still hadn't told him if she wanted to give up her life in Chicago and move to LA with him.