Chapter 149: You Snooze You Loose

We at Teen Scream polled our readers to find out which member of Innominate you'd like to take home to Mom and Dad. You have spoken. Sixty-two percent of you said Wil Harris is meeting your folks. There's something about the quietest member of the group that fans love. So, are you taking Wil home or is another boy meeting your fam?

Home not so sweet home. Wil resented his place in LA more and more. With everyone gone, the longer he stayed, the worse it seemed. Unlike his bandmates, he didn't have another place to call home, though. So the condo would have to do.

Wil was also antsy because Rachel hadn't contacted him in a couple of weeks. He'd caved the day before and sent her a message, but it sat still unread. He needed a new plan. Finding Rachel a job hadn't been Pretty Woman enough, apparently. Wil would have to up his game.

The ringing phone brought him out of the daze he found himself in at the moment. He'd been doing that more since everything had gone down with Rachel.