Chapter 9

"Prestige by Design," she emphasized. "Almost seven years." When their waiter appeared at their table, she gladly gave her drink order.

"I bet you've decorated some very expensive and fantastic homes. Any celebrities?" Gianni Sloan gave Erica another expressive smile while the little diamond stud in his ear winked back at her. She caught a whiff of something fragrant and potent, and soon realized it had to be the man's piquant cologne instead of the nearby honeysuckles or the tantalizing scent of food.

"I'm like a doctor," she answered, "bound ethically to keep my clientele list private."

With her eyes quickly averted to her menu, Erica revealed a few of the multi-million homes she had decorated without naming names, including the different looks each client wanted for their homes. She felt relieved when the waiter returned with her iced tea and his pad poised for their orders. Had she been blushing? Erica hoped not, though she felt as if on fire.

"I think I'll go for the salmon crepes special," Maritza proclaimed happily.

"Make that two." Sloan nodded in agreement.

Erica continued to gaze at the words before her, yet the entrees seemed to blur together. "Okay then, make it three."

"Very good choice," the young man agreed and retrieved their menus.

When Erica went for her tea, she tried to refocus her thoughts. Damn it! Get it together, girl! Handsome men had never thrown her off kilter before, so why now? "Okay, so now you know about the Rael sisters, Gianni. Tell us something about yourself. For instance, your name. Gianni is not a familiar Latino name."

He sat back with his legs crossed beneath the table. "My full nom de amour is Giancarlo, and it's a family name. My job isn't all that colorful or terribly exciting. I'm an investment broker by day, and a man of exquisite tastes by night."

Yeah, I bet you are, tastes that run to the female variety, and a lot of variety at that! Nom de amour, what an affectation!

"I'm sure you must have your share of wealthy clients."

"Lots of retirees with money to invest. Well, not a whole lot. Some people just have small nest eggs, but I manage to invest the money wisely while trying to bring them the best return on the dollar. My parents, for instance. When my dad, Bradford, retired from the university, I helped him set up some accounts and make some investments, and now he and my mother live comfortably in Coral Gables."

Suddenly, Erica felt something stroke her ankle; and if she cared to guess, it came from someone's toe encased in a sock. She jumped back in her chair and managed to spill some of the tea in her lap. What the hell!

"Are you all right, Eriqueta?" Maritza gazed at her sister with concern.

"Yes, yes, fine." Erica immediately tried to dab at the mess with her napkin.

"Would you like to go to the ladies room with me?"

"Um, no thanks. Not right now."

"Okay then." As Mari rose, she slipped her hand from Gianni's, and then hoisted her purse over a bare shoulder. "I'll be right back."

"Don't be too long, guapa," Gianni cooed in his suave tenor voice.

"I'll try not to!" Mari trilled and retreated.

The moment Erica knew Maritza was out of range, she glared at the man who had taken her sister to bed in just one night. "Look, Mr. Sloan, you might be able to pull that smooth-talking crap with Mari. Far be it from me to tell my sister how to live her life, but it won't work on me! It didn't Friday night, and it won't now!"

"Whoa! Now wait a minute!" As he straightened, Sloan held up a conciliatory hand. "I didn't mean any offense! I think we're getting off on the wrong foot here."

You better believe it, buddy, and keep your feet to yourself!

"I just happen to know," Erica continued, "that you're the tenant who lives above me. Now what you and your dates do is none of my concern, but sometimes I can hear all through the vents."

"Oh, wow. Look, I'm sorry. I mean, I know you live in the same building. Mari told me that, but I didn't realize you live directly downstairs." Gianni Sloan's face colored slightly with the realization his bedroom antics had not gone unnoticed. "But I hadn't realized... Well, about Friday night... I had no idea that you and Mari were related until she told me. As far as our proximity, well, that's just an interesting coincidence."

Sighing, Erica sat back, barely mollified. "Yes, I suppose it is."

"Can we start over again?" Gianni held out his hand. "I'd like us to be friends, not just for Mari's sake, but because we do share a space together."

Conceding temporarily, she reached over and took his offering. Again, the feel of his skin sent a shiver-if not a warning signal-down her spine.