Chapter 19

"You better believe it!" Nico rolled her into his arms and then placed her on top of his long, marvelous body.

Again, his kiss brought a new surge of excitement. Yet when Erica started an assault down his neck, he stretched beneath her and splayed his limbs in surrender.

"Woof! Despite the fact I want you, and want you so much it makes my heart ache, I've about had it. I don't think I can move again, at least not until morning."

Glancing up, she read the bedside clock. Two o'clock! Time and space had flitted by as they enjoyed each other not only with such free-spun delight but with a grand passion she hadn't felt in a long, long time. Slowly, Erica eased off and settled along his side. She knew they both had to sleep, but she found it hard to close her eyes without thinking of the man beside her and the anticipation of another round of brilliant, early morning lovemaking.