Chapter 21

Once outside, she donned her sunglasses and allowed Gianni to escort her to a nearby Jaguar convertible, the color of glossy cobalt. He had the top down, and when Erica slid into the passenger seat, she savored the feel of the warm, burnt umber leather against her bare arms.

"This is quite a car," she commented as he jumped in beside her and replaced his own wrap-around dark glasses.

"I like her," he returned and started the engine, then roared away from the curb.

Erica hung on the edge of the seat as Gianni slipped from gear to gear and increased their speed until the engine thrummed over sixty. Though once they headed into traffic, he slowed them down to a mere forty. Sitting back, she tried to relax and offer some semblance of small talk. Little had Erica ever dreamed she would be riding in a sleek sports car with her somewhat repulsive playboy neighbor-and this after having spent a night of glorious lovemaking with his twin brother!