Chapter 27

Accepting the envelope, Erica quickly opened it and found a blank check and a note from Giancarlo Sloan:

I hope this will secure your services. I left the recipient and amount open because I'm not sure if I should pay you directly or your firm. Does a thousand dollars to get you started sound right? Either way, I hope we can develop a fruitful relationship. I look forward to our next meeting.


P.S. Sorry about today.

"Well, well," Erica remarked as she fanned the check under her chin. "It looks as if I'm going to be spending a lot of time upstairs, for at least the next month."

"You be careful, senorita," Rosina warned again as she went for her straw handbag. "We have an old saying where I come from: Una vez que un amante inconstante, siempre que un amante inconstante."