Chapter 38

Twenty minutes later, the Santera returned with a large, heavy rucksack. "I have the instructions here, along with what you will need to perform the ritual. My friend says you wish one for truth, another to reverse the effects of your affections should you find your lover a deceiver of your heart. Follow the directions closely, and it will not fail."

"What do I do? Sprinkle the ingredients on him, or make him drink a potion?"

The older woman laughed, a rich, hearty contralto, though the slight eerie tinge to it made Erica shiver again. "You watch too many peliculas de horror, querida. You simply make your altar, just as I have instructed, and take the walk in the sea. I recommend a metal tray to place your offerings."

Sure, it all sounded so simple in theory. A walk in the sea? Offerings to whom? Erica tried to suppress her own nervous laughter. She watched as Sacha took the sack from the voodoo lady, its weight evident by the way he bent slightly at the knees.