After the seat belt light blinked off, she leaned back and relaxed, or tried to considering the narrow seat and two large people bumping elbows with her on either side. At this moment, she didn't care, since she was on her way home after a crazy but insightful experience. At least it hadn't been an entire goose chase. Adrian Sloan, the gallery owner, not only wined and dined her, but gave Erica some rather useful information. Whether she wanted to use it for good or evil remained to be seen.
At least one member of the Sloan family turned out to be charming and decent. Adrian had even offered his guest room at his condo loft so that Erica didn't have to spend money on a motel, although she felt she had overstayed her welcome and didn't mind the added expense of a hotel near Bridgeport's airport. Her early morning flight out of Connecticut brought her to NYC, and from there, a return to Miami.