Chapter 43

Strolling down to the beach from La Masón del Mar, Erica savored the cool trade winds and the crisp, pungent scent of the ocean. At least this time her ritual appeared less strenuous and certainly less elaborate than her truth ceremony with the fish eyes, even though she had found out the truth without the use of magical spells. Screwing her metal bucket in the sand, she added the scarf and blush-pink teddy "Nico" had given her and then the little packet of whatever Madrina Paola put together for her. Next, she squirted a few lines of lighter fluid on top, lit a match, threw it in, and watched the quick flames rise and consume it all.

Erica had only to wait now until the mix burned down to ashes before she continued with the next stage of her love exorcism. Taking a seat, she drew up her knees, ringed them with her arms, and wiggled her bare toes in the sand. As before, she stared up to the night sky and made a wish when a rare shooting star raced across the sky.