Chapter 45

To her horror, he produced a length of nylon cord and proceeded to tie and knot her hands in front of her. "Remember, querida, even if you try to bail out, I have the master control on my side to keep the doors and windows locked."

"Grrrr!" Erica had been too stunned to do more than grit her teeth and sink down in the seat like a recalcitrant child. Her captor quickly returned to the driver's seat and started the car.

"All right, Gianni, we've had our little fun," she said as he navigated the Jag to the highway. "I ruined your place, and you kidnapped me, so we're even. Why don't we just call it a day and go our separate ways?"

Keeping his eyes on the road, Gianni produced a slim smile. "Ah, my darling, if you think I'm going to let you off so easily, you have sadly underestimated me. When I want something, I get it. Of course, I have to admit that you really made me work hard for your affections."

"I am not one of your conquests!"