Harwell entered the building to a loud commotion that was taking place at the far end of the precinct. There was a line-up of hookers being escorted to a communal cell to wait for their pimps to show up and bail them out. One of the ladies, a woman of color, was shouting at the officer in charge.
"I ain't making no damn money wasting time in this place, Charlie. I got a kid to feed, you know."
"Yeah, I know all about it. And, just for the record, Lola, I'm Officer Gertz to you, not Charlie."
"What's the matter, handsome, am I turning you on or something?" she said in a sexy voice.
"Not a chance, sweetheart. Why would I need a hooker when I have the crown jewels at home?"
Harwell grinned and headed past the women when the desk sergeant called out to him. "Hey Lieutenant, did anyone tell you Max is here?" he asked.
"Yes, Pauline mentioned it when she called," he said with a frown. "Is he with his mother?"
The sergeant shrugged. "No. He's by himself."