Chapter 66: A CALL FOR HELP - PART 2

Detective Zachary Gerard gulped down the last swallow of coffee, put the empty cup in the dishwasher, and shoved his cell phone into his jacket pocket. Checking the door locks, he walked back to the kitchen and picked up his sunglasses.Sliding on his shades, he headed out the front door when his phone rang. Stopping mid-step, he listened to the call.

"Calling all units in the vicinity of City Island.We have a 10.35 at 166 Reville Street and King Avenue. An eleven-year-old child is involved." His heart rate picked up knowing a child was involved and he rushed to his car. Popping the locks along the way, he quickly slid behind the steering wheel, cranked up the engine and pulled out of his parking space onto the main road. A shooting was a serious offense. He prayed it wasn't the kid who'd used the gun.

Responding to the call, he informed dispatch he was on his way. "This is Detective Zach Gerard, badge number 1637 responding to your 10.35 on Reville and King."

"10.4, Detective."