Jessie watched Margo Barnett emerge from her office when the last patient left. Margo, a woman in her late forties, had black and gray corkscrew curly hair. Her skin tone was drab, giving off a washed-out look. For a professional, Jessie was surprised the doctor wore no makeup, not even a swipe of mascara on her lashes to improve her features. The clothing she wore was dowdy but neat. Aside from those flaws, she was a sharp doctor who was well known in her field and had an excellent reputation.
"Thanks for seeing me on such short notice. I need some guidance from you on how to handle the return of a child to his family. Abducted at three, this child doesn't know about his real family, no one other than the man he called dad."
She smiled. "Now, this sounds like an issue I can fix. I like happy endings, don't you?"
"I definitely like happy endings."
"You'll want to make sure you schedule an appointment for the family with me."