Chapter 208: HIDDEN

Tucked away in a wooded area, Jessie drove down the long road to the safe house where Nancy Miller was staying. Walking to the door, the officer recognized her, and she stepped inside. Nancy was sitting in a recliner with her leg elevated.

"How are you feeling?"

"I ache all over, my lip hurts, my arm hurts, my leg hurts, and I'm scared to death. How's that?"

"I'd say all of that is quite normal, but the good news is you're safe and on the mend." Jessie gave her a slight smile. "Okay, let's get started," she said, pulling a recorder from her briefcase, then hit the start button and recorded her brief introduction, reminding Miller she was still under oath. The woman nodded her understanding then gently pressed her hands against her cheeks as though the light pressure would relieve the pain.

"All right," she said in a shaky voice, "what do you want to know?"