The Shop

The weather in M City after the New Year was rather cold. A heavy snowfall that lasted from the beginning of the New Year to the end forced the citizens to remain indoors.

In this kind of weather, Qin Yu was preparing to go out early in the morning.

"Young madam, who is this Ms. Tang You're looking for?" Ah Bi followed beside Qin Yu and asked curiously.

The last time Tang Rou came over, Ah Bi wasn't around, that's why she asked.

"I heard she's the Tang family's missing daughter."

"Oh... She's an illegitimate daughter?" Ah Bi nodded her head in understanding.

How could the daughter of the first wife go missing? If she really was missing, then she should be an illegitimate daughter.

Ah Bi's guess wasn't unreasonable, but Qin Yu thought of Tang Rou's temperament and style. She couldn't possibly associate her with the title of "Illegitimate daughter."