Learning How To Serve A General Is The First Step

The next morning before dawn, Irene suddenly woke up. She looked at the soft quilt covering her body and the spacious bed. Ah, yes, she was no longer a maid.

She reached out to ring the bedside bell, and the maids who had been waiting outside the room swarmed in. When seeing Jane leading the maids, Irene suddenly remembered her days in the royal palace of Xandia. She let out a long breath, shook her head, and threw away the memories of the past. Then she washed up and dressed with the help of the maids.

When she turned around, she saw Gerry, the elderly servant who had helped her to try on her wedding dress a few days ago, bending down to help her tidy up the bed. Irene's eyes widened, and she immediately threw herself onto the bed to stop Gerry's movements. Irene turned around and looked at Gerry with a smile. "Gerry, how can you do a job that hurts your lower back? Just let Jane do it."