
Let's count you three hundred, and give you the rest as a gift." when the ginger cut to want to know almost asked after Xiao Wall gave him a preferential price.

Although he has a lot of money, he still pretends to be in pain. If you are very generous and throw 300 coins directly, you will probably have more to do with him.

"Well, I'm almost out of money." The ginger cut pretended to sigh.

However, the 300 coins are absolutely worth spending, Xiao Wall did not cheat him, know the things are detailed to tell yourself.

Deep in the ancient snow forests lived a race of ancient and powerful tribes called goblins. It's a little different from what's mentioned in the game. And the weapons jewelry here is not as he thought that the level to use, you can still take all the jewelry, wear any clothes, even armor, weapons, but the premise is that you have to move, with. He does not think that at present with their own 5 levels of strength can take the weight of more than 20 kilograms of Xiuluo axe random brandish, that is not as good as a dagger to the role of big.

What this means is that even if you're given a good weapon, if you can't swing it in your hand and it's hard, you might as well use something handy.

But this is also the need for the level of the reason, the higher the level of their physical quality will be better, you in the 1 level of time can not move the Shura Axe, do you reach the 30 level after 30 this strengthening body also can not move, unless you are not a warrior.

He is also more that soldiers practice is fitness, I repair itself, and the higher the rank, the greater the power, and Taoist priest and mage are different, their practice is the true power and magic, heaven and earth was communicated with the aid of energy in the body releases powerful spells or law, although its own improved much, but they release the spell is to be reckoned with.

"Well, why can't I wear this ring? Isn't it true that items like jewelry are lightweight and can be worn at any level? Murphy..." His breath came fast at the thought of what Xiao Wall had just said.

The special ring, a special ring, has incredible powers. But they are all spiritual, wearing them must get their approval, which is the so-called Lord recognition, once the Lord recognition, unless the owner died, otherwise other people even if got can not use, just like a vanity.

Is it really a special ring? But it looks like a horn ring anyway.

He had tried a few other rings, and they could all be worn, and he felt a little bit stronger after putting them on, so he was sure they would work.

But the strange horn ring would not fit into the finger.

"Try something." Ginger cut touch chin looking at the front of the "horn ring" inner secret way.


"Shout ~ very tired, what method all tried, how still no line?" At this time of the ginger cut sitting on the ground, panting said.

He tried blistering, baking with fire, shining with sunlight, and gently grinding the inner wall of the ring with the dagger, trying to make it bigger. I tried them on different fingers, and almost tried them on my toes.

Looking up at the gradually dim sky, the sun has been going down.

The room he was in was rented from Xiao Wall for 100 coins a day. He wanted to stay here for a few days and then leave.

"It seems to be the last resort." Then he drew the dagger from his side, drew it on his finger, and at once the blood ran down.

This is the method he saw on TV before, if he wanted to make the artifact open, the baby had to drop his own blood on it, this is the so-called blood drop on the Lord.

Pa, pa...

When two drops of blood are placed on the ring, they are immediately absorbed by the ring as if they had never been on it before.

It worked!

See this phenomenon, ginger cut immediately excited, continue to use blood drops in the above.

At the time of dropping nine drops of blood, suddenly, the ring gradually emitted a weak light, and slowly suspended up, floating in front of him.

The ginger cut looks at this ring, unexpectedly involuntarily stretched the finger in the past.


This time the ring actually took the initiative to set on his finger, and then the color began to change, change and his skin color exactly the same, you can not see his finger wearing the ring, as if he was connected to the finger as one.

Yes, I did. I did.

What's so special about this? Is it a paralysis ring? Or the Resurrection Ring? Not even? A ring of fire? Don't want to.

He waved his hands wildly for a few times, feeling nothing, even his own strength did not increase a trace, just as before without it.

It looks like it should be a special precept, but what is the special precept?

Playing games before also have not seen such a special quit ah.

Well, the next time I have a chance to ask someone else, I should try my best to improve my own strength so that I can survive in the crisis-stricken Mafa continent.


Just when Jiang cut wanted to go out for a stroll, the door suddenly opened.

"Jiang brother, you are in the room ah, I will bring you some water." It was the fawn, with a glass of water in his hand, standing softly on the table.

"Deer, I also just seventeen years old, don't call my eldest brother, just call me ginger cut." It is strange to see this bright girl always calling her eldest brother. It is better to call her name directly. Otherwise, I always feel that I am much older than her.

"Ha ha, but you look like more than 20 years old, dark skin, like my father almost." "Laughed the fawn.

MAO wipe...

Ginger cut all feel their heart is almost broken, a beautiful girl, he also has a good impression of her, but the other party actually said he was old, said his black and her father, this is what feeling? My god.

"Cough... How can men achieve great things if they are not mature?" But he managed to keep his cool and gave a reasonable explanation.

"Well, I'm just kidding. Here's your money. I got it from dad." The fawn showed a bright smile and handed the ginger cut a cloth bag, which seemed to bulge with a lot of money.

"This is? Instead of answering it, he was puzzled. She just got ripped off by her father, and now she's back.

"This is my father from you cheat money, actually a meal is not much money, you can pay these back." Fawn some embarrassed, it seems that her father's behavior let her feel embarrassed, but she turned and said, "but you also don't blame me dad, zhang qi eldest brother go out in a few days before the patrol patrol was demon cat when wounded, injured is still very serious, be badly in need of herbal remedies, but everybody is not rich, herbs and expensive, so out of it. He's not really that little man."