
Suddenly, Jiang cut pulled out the iron sword on his back and walked to the fawn: "fawn, I'm going to help your father now, you have to stay here and wait for us to come back, do not come out."

"Brother Jiangjie, you will be in danger. I'm afraid." The eyes of the fawn have some wet, holding the shoulder of the ginger cut worry of say.

Jiang cut a smile, put her to the arms of a hug: "fawny don't be afraid, I will bring your father back."

"Then he pulled open the fawn's delicate hand, took out the bolt on the door, and smiled at the fawn before opening the door:" Listen, don't let me be distracted.

Little deer know now is not the time to play the temper, the force of the nod: "ginger cut eldest brother, you and dad must come back."

Without answering the fawn, he pushed open the door and rushed out.

Outside, many of the village's defensive fences had been destroyed by the group of hooked cats, and there were bloody fights everywhere.

Jiang cut back to see the deer has closed the door again, it was relieved to run towards the middle of the village in the fields.

Since they are to rob food, then there must be the main battlefield, Xiao Wall must be there.

"Take aim..."

When running through a house, suddenly, has been a lot of hook cat from the side rushed out, holding the blood with the iron hook claw, flashing cold light towards the ginger cut pang to swing.

Fortunately, at this time he has learned the "basic sword" the first layer, see the track of the approaching iron hook claw, a flash of the body, to avoid.

This kind of sword skill is really useful, this so-called "skill" is really good against this monster.

Ginger cut heart excited to think of.

But it was not yet a happy moment, for the cat, seeing the blow pass him on the head, swung the claw sideways and caught him round the waist with a groan.

The ginger cut did not continue to dodge, the so-called hide again wonderful, as a counterattack. Offense is always the best defense.

He used an iron sword to block along the claw, and up a top, right foot hard kick, directly kick that many hooked cat fell to the ground.

Kill him while he's sick.

Before Multi - Hook Cat got up, Ginger cut it up and put a sword in its chest.

There was a flop, and the bright red blood gushed out, and some of it splashed on his face. At this time his face that a pair of dealing with the enemy just show out of the fierce expression, a bloody face.

"Level 6. Sure enough, combat is the quickest way to level up." Looking at the wrist suddenly change of the number, ginger cut silently said.

He picked himself up from the body and continued to run towards the centre of the village.

Along the way you can see the roadside lying on the body of more than a dozen hook cats, the situation should be killed by the villagers here, fortunately there are no bodies of villagers, it seems that they deal with a hook cat or a set.

The village is not big, not long ginger cut to see that piece of vegetables fight together with the villagers and many hook cats, there are about 40 or 50, among them there are three or four more powerful rake cat brandishing than their body shape is even long five teeth rake to fight with them the villagers beat back, dangerous.

ginger cut to see the villagers have been surrounded by cats have several people lying on the ground, motionless, unknown life and death. Without a moment's hesitation, he took the iron sword and thrust it directly at the hooked cats from behind.

It is explained in the "basic swordsmanship" that if you can stab, you will not cut. The damage caused by thrusting is far more than that caused by chopping. Unless you hit the key by chance, you can hardly make your opponent lose his fighting power.

Touch less than under the defense, a toothless, slowly approaching the multi-hooked cat was directly through the heart and died.

Horrible sound, around the other more than a hook cat and a rake cat immediately found the launch of the attack of ginger cut, the rake cat strange call, immediately there are five more hook cat immediately turned to him quickly rushed.

Ginger feels a little more power in his body after he reaches level 6, but he doesn't think he can kill five hooked cats at the same time.

Immediately turned the body, ran toward the back, the five more hook cat saw just killed their companions of human escape, shouted after the immediate pursuit of the past, and ginger cut together disappeared in the night.

From the ginger cut appeared to kill a multi-hook cat, and then led away five. These situations have long been noticed by Xiao Wall. His heart immediately a meal, ginger cut here, then his daughter will also follow out.

Xiao Wall wanted to make sure his daughter's safety, but at the moment is surrounded by cats here, their patrol people are also injured, if he at the moment to break out of the siege, then the villagers here is likely to be less than a bad luck.

After a moment of hesitation, Xiao Wall did not choose to leave alone.

But fortunately the cat demon was cut off by ginger away a number of, the pressure of the villagers was reduced, although still under pressure to beat, retreat, but the speed of retreat is obviously less.

Suddenly, a figure from the side of a nearby house crept up to a rake cat that seemed to be leading the attack, and when it was almost on its back, suddenly sprang up and stabbed it in the neck, causing a bloody head to fly up and fall into the middle of the advancing cats.

"Take aim, take aim...

A burst of cat cry sounded, see the head of the cat's hook cat all turned to see the standing there, with a cloth to wipe the iron sword of the figure, this figure is ginger cut.

"How to return a responsibility, he how come back so quickly, chase past of cat demon but have five." The movement of the cats naturally could not escape Xiao Wall's ears, but when he saw that the man was Jiang Jie, he was both happy and surprised, but also with some disbelief.

ginger cut natural do not know Xiao Wall's inner thoughts, he saw the ten more hook cat ferocious staring at himself, the ferocious cat face, with bloodshot white eyes, in this dark night enough to let people shrink away.

The ginger cut disapprovingly, the mouth of a Yang. Then they ran to the back, and the ten or so hooked cats immediately rushed up with anger to chase the fleeing Jiang, and disappeared in the night in a twinkling of an eye.

Without the hooked cats, the villagers stopped their retreat at once.

These villagers and the patrol team about 30 or 40 people, just as the cat demon group at this time, but Xiao wall's fighting power is obviously stronger, now the cat demon group is less than one third, the villagers rise momentum, counterattack, even the cat group back pressure, the formation of external impact.

Different from fighting alone, the momentum of a group war is very important. The momentum is equal to the morale, just like marching to fight, in the case of the number of people and the strength of the same, the number of morale determines the victory or defeat of the war.

There have been many wars and campaigns in which the momentum has been overwhelming but the smaller side may even be able to turn the tables and win.