And before he knew it, there was another flash of silver light, almost at the same time as the red and white light.
After the silver light, his eyes blurred and dilated, and he fell back with an uncanny look. In his blurred vision he saw a smiling young man already fighting with the killers who had come with him to kill Rocquet. He was no longer able to help his companions. The fluid pouring out of his throat had weakened his limbs, and his consciousness was slowly fading. He was no longer dead, though he did not die immediately. He had lost a lot of blood, and the lacerated trachea was choking him, and it was not long before he... Certain death.
The young man who launched the raid was jiang Jie, who had been lying in wait nearby. He held a ling feng jian in one hand and an iron sword captured in the other hand.
He had a weapon in each hand, which is forbidden in Marfa.