He said in a contemptuous tone to the ring spirit that Jiang Jie had already known the ring spirit's unreliability, so he did not argue too much about it.
"If I tell you everything, it will deprive you of your own understanding exercise, which is not good for your future development. It's better to depend on others than yourself, understand?"
"Understand you big ye, don't say shut up, don't affect my fight." Jiang Jie cursed loudly.
Due to the mental harassment of the wraiths, he almost began to suppress the youth, and was almost caught by the other side of the gap to fight back at himself.
"You know what it is?" The ring spirit did not seem to mind Jiang Jie's scolding, and still talked about it.
"To the extreme?"
Jiang Jie focused on the battle at hand and did not think deeply about the advice of ring spirit, but in his consciousness, he concentrated the internal fighting spirit in lingfeng sword according to the proposal of the other party.