
He silently thought that although he had not yet grown up, he was not absolutely sure of defeating the taoists and wizards who were higher than himself.

But he believes that one day, with his own 'holy war', coupled with the inheritance of the ring spirit's help and support, will absolutely become a strong side, invincible, commanding.

"Sure enough, it's you. You never thought you'd come here yourself." Practice fly feather to see the appearance of the snow on the heart immediately beat, the other side of the beauty he had long coveted.

In the past, the guild of the opposing mujahedin city was not as powerful as its own guild, or even more powerful than its own guild because of jihad.

He scruples jihadi city strength influence, although early peep each other's beauty already long, but still did not make a rash move.

After all, Snowmoon is vice president of Chapter 3 of Jihad City and has a different identity.