But it surprised him that wood of this age had to be found deep in the old snow forest, not just deep, but deep in the forest, and so rare that it took some time to find it.
He looked curiously at Jiang Jie standing by, his eyes full of puzzlement.
He was well aware of the strength of the other side. If it was difficult for him to get wood that was more than 10 years old, it was not easy to get wood that was about 35 years old in a few days.
And look at the appearance of Jiang Jie, apparently did not suffer any harm, clothes are very clean, should not have a fierce battle.
Jiang jie noticed that Zhang blacksmith looked at her with puzzled eyes, felt it out, and grinned.
He can be cruel to his enemies, even by hook or crook.
But with his friends, he will absolutely give everything to protect them, because he cherishes this friendship and does not want to lose it.