At the moment, actually began to grow slowly, can not make him happy.
It's not much, but it's better than nothing.
"What are you looking for, return shortcut, so many poisonous spider."
In front of the snow moon constantly from the hands of the release of fireball magic will approach them all poisonous spiders burned to death, but even after killing all, a few steps forward, there will still be a large number of spiders.
"The map says it used to be closer here, who knew there would be so many poisonous spiders, but don't worry, you see, they are not killed by you."
Jiang Jie side in the spider body will be their spider teeth to cut off, while excited to spend snow moon said.
The teeth of these poisonous spiders are good things, they are the material for making Taoist poison powder, and they are worth a lot of money.
He certainly had no reason to let it go.
"Be careful, the plant moves."