In need of power

"She said with a little excitement, feeling the magic of rapid recovery in her body.

Then straight toward the front of the village screaming ran.

The young man nodded and smiled to Jiang Jie, and then followed the footsteps of flower snow moon, ran past.

"Ah ~ really good thing have no, bad thing ceaseless."

Jiang Jie said helplessly.

However, the foot is also hair force, with the intrepid physique of its soldiers, soon caught up with two people on the snow.

Head for where the prometheans are chasing.

Indeed, today's experience is exactly what he said it would be.

First came to the ore village found that there really exists in the mine hole zombie this horrible creature.

And then I met the two necromancers who weren't supposed to be on Marfa.

And now, somehow, the zombies, who should never have walked out of the mine, have rushed outside.

For the evil world.

It's incredible.
