1. Spatial Space

Ye Feng released a sigh as he sat on the edge of a cliff. He was transmigrated character. He had reincarnated into a Cultivation World.

Ye Feng looked at the gigantic mountains ahead of him with a dazed expression. They looked like try easily passed the sky. He couldn't even see the top. He had learnt that they weren't always like this. In fact, they were once higher!

They were shattered as a result of a fight between two so called Immortals a few years ago. At least, that was the rumour around. He longed for the day he had such strength. He dusted himself off and headed back to his living quarters with a smile.

Ye Feng was a member of a sect called the Blue Flame Sect. The sect was extremely huge, with a size comparable to Earth's America. Still, this didn't mean that his sect was a high-level sect. It was one of the lower-level forces of the Grand Qi State. Even the Grand Qi State was a part of the lower classed Moon Kingdom, one of the smaller countries in the area. Just the thought made Ye Feng realize how small he was compared to the vastness of this world.

"Greetings Senior Brother Feng." greeted a female disciple along the way.

Ye Feng returned the greetings politely. He was a somewhat popular member of the external disciples. He was talented, handsome and humble, a deadly combination to his fellow female disciples.

As he entered his residence, Ye Feng felt something change in his Dantian. He quickly sat down and checked on it, only to find nothing.

"Did I imagine it?" Ye Feng quickly shook his head. He refused to believe it was his imagination.

He focused all his energy on his Dantian and saw a flash of the purest light. He quickly shut his eyes as a reflex and slowly opened them to see absolutely nothing.

Ye Feng looked around in a panic. There was nothing but an infinite expanse of white.

Ye Feng began to hyperventilate.

The colour white wasn't associated with anything good in Ye Feng's past life. Memories that had been forgotten many years ago began to pop up. He could feel imaginary wounds opening up, and he started to curl up into a ball.

Before he could completely collapse, he heard a voice speak.

[Soil Detected. Adding To Spatial Space...]

[Grass Detected. Adding to Spatial Space...]

[Air Detected. Adding to Spatial Space...]

Ye Feng opened his eyes to see the white expanse beneath his feet turning into soil. Before he could react, the grass quickly sprouted from it at a rapid speed. He felt a breeze of wind brush against his exposed skin.

Ye Feng's breathing calmed as he slowly stood up. His once bright blue eyes seemed incredibly dull at this moment. He dusted himself off and looked around.

The once white space had gained a lot of colour. He looked to see grass as far as he could see. He could feel the presence of something in the air.

Ye Feng sat down and tried to cultivate to calm himself. Even though his face with calm, his heart was still racing. Seeing the white filled him with fear.

"Relax." Ye Feng muttered to himself as he tried to cultivate. He was quickly faced with a problem. "Why is there no Qi?"

Ye Feng couldn't feel the presence of any Qi at all.

Thinking about it, he realised that this place was a blank slate. The soil, grass and air were added after he arrived here, probably as a result of the walk.

Ye Feng tried producing a wisp of his Qi with great difficulty. He was only in the Body Refining realm. Just the fact that he could produce Qi in his current realm showed his great talent.

Of course, no one knew this fact. It was simply unheard of for a Body Refining realm cultivator to produce Qi unless they were insanely talented.

As the Qi exited his body, he heard the space's voice again.

[Qi Detected. Detected Qi is of the Water Element. Adding to Spatial Space...]

[Quality of Soil has improved.]

[Quality of Plant Life has improved.].

[Quality of Air had improved.]

Ye Feng looked around in surprise. He could see the changes happening in the space. The grass looked greener and the air felt purer. The Qi he failed to grasp flooded this space.

Ye Feng was also surprised by the announcement. He couldn't tell what element his Qi was due to the pitiable amount of it.

He tried to cultivate again and realised his minor bottleneck had completely loosened. In fact, due to the large amounts of Water Qi present, his cultivation was easier and faster than before.

Ye Feng thought of something and took out a low-grade spirit stone. He was planning on using it when he attempted to break through to the Qi Condensation realm, but he wanted to test his theory.

Breaking it, he saw the Qi escaping the stone.

[Higher Grade Qi Detected. Detected Qi has no corresponding element. Adding to Spatial Space...]

[Quality of Soil has improved.]

[Quality of Plant Life has improved.].

[Quality of Air had improved.]

For the first time since he had entered the space, Ye Feng smiled.