Capturing Greg Guard - Part 3

A few minutes later, Rodriguez and with his cellmate, Lenard, also the former Yakuza member Yuki, are entering a room called Washroom, the only room where guards and inmates are using it to wash their prison clothes or fold it to be delivered to their cells if the guards are in good terms, or they wanted to be a bunch of dicks and shit into them to deliver them more "fresh". This is also the room where Lenard was assigned one time to do a task with these clothes. But he doesn't know this room has a secret passage, not known to guards or any other inmates, only Yuki and Rodriguez knew about this passage, but now Lenard knows it.

But before they could reveal this passage, there were two guards there, who were sleeping on their duty. Rodriguez was about to reveal the location, but he couldn't risk it to move a big washing machine, so, him, with Yuki and Lenard woke the guards up, then they proceed to beat them until they are in a state of concussion.

Lenard has successfully knocked only one guard, while those two were beating the other guard, who seems much stronger than the one Lenard beat it. After that, Lenard and Yuki are putting those two guards into a big container with clothes. Then, they do close the container and go to Rodriguez, who has revealed the location of this secret passage.

"Now be careful. This passage leads to a bunch of rooms, and this might be going to attract some noises to the guards if you ain't careful." says Yuki to Lenard.

"I understand." says Lenard, who is crawling into this passage after Rodriguez.

Then Yuki joins them, and crawls on the behind of Lenard.

These three prisoners are crawling on this vent for about almost twelve minutes. In this time they ended up in three rooms, the first one was the Men's Bathroom, and there they saw a prisoner getting beaten by another three prisoners. Hopefully, they didn't notice them crawling on the vent. The second room they were crawling was an office where cops are taking a break, there was also a few holes into the vent, and Yuki, being curious, he took a peak, and he saw in that room something he did not expect to see. A guard tied up a female from the Cafeteria, and he is doing to her some kinky stuff which cannot be explained very well, but think about a girl getting tied in an uncomfortable position and a guard dressed up in a pig costume. Thankfully, they didn't notice the crawling sounds due to the noises they were doing it. And the final room, was just an empty room, with a lot of blood in it.

"This is the execution room." says Yuki taking a peak to see where they are. "This is one of the worst room of this prison."

"Really?" asks Lenard. "I thought the entire prison, it is worse."

"You haven't seen everything, young lad." reply Rodriguez, continuing to crawl forward into these vents.

They do finally arrive at the ends of this passage, and there, they see the door of the Armory Room. They also see Guard Greg there, standing there and being an intimidating man for inmates, or even his colleagues. Rodriguez looked to his friends and he told them.

"Alright. Pass me the syringe."

"Here." says Yuki passing the syringe to Lenard, and Lenard passing that syringe to rodriguez.

"Thanks." says Rodriguez, and he then looks at that guard. "We need a distraction."

"I have an idea." says Yuki. "Try and throw a penny while he is looking away."

"And where I should throw it? In front of him?" asks Rodriguez. "We attack at three?"

"No way." says Yuki. "This is suicidal. the man could rip both of our arms if we aren't careful."

"And you say throwing a coin to his feet might be a dumb idea?"

"I didn't say right in front of him, genius."

"Fuck it." says Lenard, taking a coin, and he threw it into a hole of this vent next to his man treasure.

Greg Guard sees the coin falling on the ground, he goes there, and he is picking it up. he takes a look at it, and with a smile on his face.

"Nice. Free money."

Then, Rodriguez jumps from the vent with the syringe, lands on the back of that guard, and he proceeds to stab it into the guard chest close to the neck. That Guard kicked Rodriguez back with his left feet, and it made Rodriguez losing his balance, and fall close to the door. The guard take that syringe from his chest and is going furiously to Rodriguez, but before he could pick him up, Lenard jumps from the vent into the Guard's back, which made his loose balance and fall onto Rodriguez feet.

Rodriguez used his feet to kick the guard face, this made the guard cover his face and screams out cause of the pain. But Lenard was quick enough to use the syringe from the ground to that Guard. Rodriguez gets quickly on his feet and proceed to hold Greg Guard's until he fades into an unconscious state. There is also Yuki who jumped from vent and hold the Guard's legs just in case he will try to use them to break Lenard spine. He injected the syringe on the back of the guard, which in a few minutes stopped him from moving and made him dropping into a sleepy state.

First phase is over, now they have to commence phase two, and this will be of the hardest phase because they need a way to help them carry this man to their King's without being noticed.