The art of stealing - Part 1

On the next day, Lenard was called by the King himself to come on the King's throne to give a task to him. This was happened at the time when the lunch hour has begun, and Lenard was eating with Rodriguez and Abou. Rodriguez demanded to know why he wasn't called, but the King didn't respond to this question, and Rodriguez let that side after three of the inmates who are protecting the King were looking furiously at Rodriguez and about to take out their forks to stab him into different lethal locations if it was the case. The King told them to only come to the Throne room after the lunchtime will be over, and they have to go alone. When the King left this Cafeteria, Abou asked Lenard.

"What are you thinking? Should we go?"

"We have to." responds Lenard. "Or else, the punishment will await us."

"Okay..." say Abou taking a bite from the expired steak, raw and with maggots he bought with twenty cents.


After the lunch was over, Abou and Lenard are heading to the North Block Throne Cell, where their King awaits them to give the next task. These two are feeling nervous because this time Lenard it is not going to have Rodriguez on his side as a help. He is having Abou, a guy who it is arresting for committing a big atrocity against a family who was minding their business and didn't do anything wrong.

On the Throne room, Abou is feeling astonished by these decorations, amazed by the inmates who are protecting the King, but he then was bought to reality when an inmate who is protecting the King is pocking him with a fork tied by a piece of wood, and he yelled at him to bow on his king. And he did bow, just like Lenard.

"Greetings, inmates! Today I have been called you to do tasks which requires the skill of a stealer like Abou and... Lenard. This mission will require stealth and non detection because you guys are going to steal cocaine, but not from the cops. From the gang De Bandidos. These people have used a dirty scheme to pass cocaine into this Prison. Stupid new guards. They are always bought easily by dark Mexican money!"

"Excuse me, Majesty." says Abou to the King. "Why do you want cocaine from them?"

"To use it in my plan. Now shut up and do this. I don't care how many you kill, or how many you impregnate. All I care is to take a box of cocaine from them and bring it to me! Understand! Now go! They can be found in South Block, cell 2 to 6. They can also bee seen in Halls, they are wearing a Mexican hat tattoo with a fucking line in Spanish or Mexican."

Abou and Lenard are leaving the Throne Room, and they are heading into the South Block, by themselves. And for this mission, Abou has gone into his cell to show Rodriguez his weapon he has made in the Workshop as a secret. It is a wood plank with nails, six nails beaten on the wood plank. It isn't a big weapon, but in a Prison, even a poop can become a knife if you have a crafting mind and enough creativity.


Now, to do this theft, Abou has made a plan. This plan needs two people and a weapon, Abou weapon in fact. The plan might fail at any time, and it may professionalism, but it is better to do this kind of plan rather than do a complicated one which will give enormous headaches on the night, and made you regret it at 3 AM while you were with a hooker in bed.

Here it is the plan: Abou is going to steal the cocaine, while Lenard is going to try and create a fight scene between South and North Block. And to create such a scene, Lenard will have to start a fight by taking the weakest yet the hot headed one in a fight. After he did that, he will have to wait until the other will decide to join in and got his back, if they will feel like it. If this does not get attention to all members of the gang, he will have to take second part. Throw insults to Mexican about their language, families and traditions (Works every time).

Now, Abou plan, it is to try and sneak into those four cells mentioned by the King of North Block. It will be tough for because most of the inmates are hiding properly the drugs, but if he managed to find only one box of cocaine it will be good enough.