Tim - Part 3

Tim does another attack, and Lenard was trying to block the attack, but it didn't work out, so well. The hit has shaken Lenard and almost made him lose balance. Then, Tim is doing a defensive pose in boxing style, and he is walking into the left side.

"Your turn!" says Tim. "Try and hit me as hard as you can."

"'Kay." says Lenard who is trying to do a left swing to the man, but he dodges the hit, and he counter-attack with a right hand, who hits Lenard forehead, and it made him go eight steps back to the "walls" of this ring. "Arrgh!"

"Hurt. Doesn't it?" asks Tim, going in a slow peace to him.

"Yeah... But I am not giving up. Not yet."

Tim was almost there to do another hit on Lenard, but he dodges it, going down and kicking his stomach with his right kick. This made Tim lose balance, and then Lenard gets up on his feet and threw a punch to the man, on his left cheek. And is surprised to see that the hit hasn't put the man to the ground, nor made him surprised. He goes back, and he is preparing for another attack coming from Tim.

The guy runs to Lenard, and was about to be thrown another punch to him, but Lenard is dodging the attack by jumping into the right side, then, at the last moment, he jumps to Tim, close to his back. There he pushes Tim over the wall, and he was extremely close to fall from the Arena. The spectators were screaming when Tim was close to fall from the Arena, but when he got back to his feet, they are cheering to Tim for still standing on the ring.

"So, you've almost done it, motherfucker!" says Tim to Lenard.

"Two minutes remained!" says the referee to the Arena and spectators.

Tim is running towards Lenard, but before he could be able to dodge the hit, Tim catches Lenard from the right shoulder, and he was about to hit him, but Lenard uses his headbutt. This made Tim goes back a bit and yelling out cause of the hard hit he took from Lenard, who was trying again to do an attack, and he manages to do it, and that by applying a hit to the man liver. This made the man almost fall on his butt. This made a lot of spectators with their mouths open at the attack Lenard was landed.

"HOLY SHIT!" yelled the inmate with a microphone. "I cannot believe someone has put the man down! But it looks like he will not go to give up that easily!"

Tim gets up at last, he manages to use the "walls" to get on his feet, and he uses again to do a classic running wrestling attack. Lenard wasn't cautious enough, and he got a hit from that attack, a hit so hard that it made him fall on the floor of this Arena. That hit was so hard, it almost made him die here, on the Arena. Tim is about to another attack to Tim, but with his last efforts he manages to roll at the moment he was close to meet Tim right elbow.

"Nice." says Tim, getting up from the Arena floor. "You dodged it at the last time." says Tim. "Now let's see if you are able to dodge this!"

Tim goes at full speed again to Lenard, and he was about to grab him with both of his arms, but Lenard manages to free from one hand, and he punches Tim's face with his left hand. It didn't make Tim flinch, and this made him even more furious. The man proceeded to threw punches at Lenard, he got at least five of them, and he took it like a champion, but when the sixth one was about to hit him, Lenard manages to block it by using his right hand, and he did a quick headbutt to Tim who wasn't expecting this move at all. This made him going back one step. Lenard does another attack, and he gives a kick into the guy face. And this hit has made Tim fall on the floor.

"INCREDIBLE!" says the inmate with a microphone. "The man could win. And there is only one minute remain from this fight."

Then, Tim gets up in about ten seconds, and he uses those fifty seconds reaming by trying to attack him. He tried to ram into Lenard, but he manages to dodge it. He tried to apply a few quick and light punches to him, but he dodged those and got a few of them. And he even tried to use that headbutt technique on Lenard, but the guy manages to stay still until those fifty seconds will end.

The bell rings, and everyone is looking surprised at Tim who'se feeling tired from trying to hit Lenard, who'se tired to even stand on his legs. The referee enters the ring, and is yelling at the spectators.

"Lenard from North Block has won! It is incredible! THIS WAS AN AMAZING FIGHT! NOBODY HAS EVER DONE THIS PERFORMANCE! Tim has actually lost the fight!"

And then, Lenard is smiling at the King who'se approving this fight, and rises both of his fists in the air, before he falls on the Arena due to exhaustion.


A few moments later, into Lenard cell, Rodriguez is staying on the chair and is looking at Lenard, who was carried from the Arena by him and Tim, and brought to his prison bed. Rodriguez was asking Tim what was going on, and Tim said to him.

"This small guy has actually defeated me."

"Are you serious?" asked Rodriguez when they put Lenard on his bed to rest and left the cell. "He truly did beat you."

"No. He survived three minutes. And this count as a beating."

"Wow... I cannot believe this man is capable of such things... I knew he did karate, but fighting against you... I have truly underestimated his power." says Rodriguez, taking a look at Lenard, and then he looks at Tim. "So... What is King's plan this time?"

"He will start a riot. On a few weeks." says Tim before leaving.

"Why not now?" asks Rodriguez.

"King's plan. Not mine." says Tim after he took a turn and headed to the bathroom of north Block to wash up Lenard and his blood.