Invisible attack - Part 1

Four hours later, after the start of the "Civil" war on this Prison, things are going smoothly for now. The King has called on his cell room, four inmates who can count on to do this risky mission. The four prisoners are Lenard, Rodriguez, Henry (he got moved to the North Block one week ago), and Tim, who's got some respect for Lenard, even though he kinda humiliated him on that Arena.

"You are wondering why I have called all four of you here?" says the King staying on his throne and holding a shotgun in both of his arms.

"Is because of the recent attacks of the guards?" asks Tim.

"Or because of the cameras we have destroyed so far?" asks Henry.

"No. And no. By the way, good job at defending and destroying these pieces of crap called security cameras... The reason I called all of you here, it's because you four will have the mission to infiltrate into the security gates room and proceed to disable all the doors and gates on this Prison. But this part of mission will happen later, right now, I want all four of you to kill six guards." he hands to Tim six pictures which shows the face of those six guards they have to kill. "These are the most dangerous guards on the allied Blocks, which are West and South. I want all of them dead. Either you burn them, mutilate, rape or threw to hungry dogs. I don't care. I want all of them dead. Understand?" asks the King to those four inmates.

"Yes, sir!" responded those four inmates at the same time.

"Good! Now head to Yuri, who'll give you weapons for this mission. But be careful, only kill the ones you've got on the list."

These four inmates are leaving the cell of the King, and head to the cell where Yuri, the inmate salesman, will give them the weapons they will be needed into this mission. Apparently, after North Block got their hands on the weapons, Yuri is the man who is busy keeping track of them.

When they got to Yuri's cell, he immediately handed to everyone a pistol with silencer and one clip with twelve bullets to each person, but for Rodriguez, he handed a second weapon. It is a small shotgun, a Bullpups for the American readers who are expert in guns, with only five shells.

"Be careful with those." says Yuri to Rodriguez before he left with his four men gang from his cell.

"I am quite jealous." says Henry to Rodriguez. "You've got a shotgun, while we only got pistols."

"Don't worry, Henry." says Tim, we might be able to grab a weapon from the fallen guards, he looks at Lenard who's looking weird at his pistol. "Are you fine?"

"Yes..." says Lenard, who is putting his pistol on his belt. "I-I am nervous.... I have never touched a gun in my life, and it feels weird."

"You'll get used to it." says Rodriguez to his cellmate.

These four people have arrived to a ventilation door, who will help them reach to a hallway which is the closest to the Video cameras room. But they have a problem. The hole is not enough for four people, so they have decided to split up and search for other ways to take down those six guards. Rodriguez and Lenard are going to take the ventilation, while Tim and Henry will be taking the route who'se security cameras got all broken.