
Rodriguez and Lenard have manged to leave the room where they have killed a bunch of guards with their handguns. After they left the vent which lead them to the North block, they have heard a lot of gun shots coming from this block, they crawl on the path to not be seen by a guard to not be shot. Luckily, they have managed to get to the stairs, and there they saw a few guards entering the block and proceed to shot anybody on sight.

"Fuck..." says Rodriguez, doing a quick look at the floor of inmate bodies. "This is crazy."

"I know..." says Lenard, who is swallowing sec. "We are in big trouble if they see us. So, we have to crawl until we've got somewhere safe."

These two inmates proceed to crawl and using the fences as a way to defend themselves from the guards. While they were crawling, they heard a lot of gunshots going on to this Block, and hear a lot of guards screaming of excitement.

A few moments later, Lenard and Rodriguez sees an inmate on a cell, hiding under the bed and shaking like crazy. That inmate saw Lenard and Rodriguez, and he didn't say anything to them while they were going pass on his cell.

They got themselves at the end of the bearings, and they stay there, waiting for a moment to start their attacking or to hide until these guards will leave the block. The second option sounded good for both of them, but then, something happened. These two are hearing footsteps climbing the upstairs who are taking to the bearing these two are hiding. Lenard and with Rodriguez are preparing their weapons to shoot the man who is about to come at them.

That guard was about to come at the bearing these two inmates are, but in just a second, he got shot into his head. The guard fell on the stairs and his body proceed to slide to the first floor. Then, a massive shoot has happened. Lenard decided to take a peak to see what is happening, and he sees a lot of inmates from different blocks entering the North Block and start blasting the guards there. Lenard and with Rodriguez leaves their hiding spots and jumped on the attack.

In a few minutes, all the guards who came to the North Block have been killed. About twenty-seven of the guards bodies are laying on the floor, together with other thirty-six inmates bodies from North Block. And from those bodies were also two inmates who were protecting the King, and a few girls from Female North Block, and from those girls ,were Angela. The lady who killed the leader of the East Block.

"Look at this mess." says the King to his alive inmates. "We will not let them do this thing again! EVER AGAIN!..." he looks at the body of one inmate who was protecting him. "We are not only cellmate, nor neighbors into this Prison... No... We are a family. A big family! And what are families doing? They support each other. They fight. And they live together! We are a family! We are the North Family!... I made a promise..." he proceeds to sobs. "A promise that. We will be able. To escape together. And look at it!... We will escape! WE will escape! TOGETHER!" he looks at all the prisoners, and he is saying out loud. "WHO'S WITH ME?!"

"YEAH!!" says a lot of to remain inmates, which are about twenty-three inmates, together with Rodriguez, Lenard, Tim and Henry.

Later on, all the inmates are heading to the Yuri cell, where he is handing the weapons to everyone alive and who can shoot. Rodriguez, Lenard, Tim and Henry doesn't need a weapon since they do have already, and they are going to the King's to explain their report which makes the King glad that these four have managed to kill the guards who are considered dangerous for their group.

The King told them to go to that room, and prepare to open every single door...

The time to escape has arrived at an early time. But at this moment, there will be a lot more inmates from North Block, since the King have decided to call the other King's and prepare a massive attack against the remaining guards.