Mr. Boss

The man in a costume suit it is aiming at the head of an inmate, and he pulled the trigger, one bullet comes out of the revolver he is holding, and he goes through the inmate skull. The corpse of that inmate it is falling on the floor, and this made the Boss having a grin on his face.

"Now you see... This man has taken a bullet! Two more and all of you will be severely punished!"

"This is bullshit!" yelled one inmate to the Boss, and this is making him feel a bit intrigued by the inmate reaction.

"Oh yeah?" asks the Boss coming over to that man, and he aims the revolver to the man head. "Would you like to be next, then?"

"Shut the fuck up. Shoot me, fucker!" says that inmate who dares to spit on the inmate pants.

"Ah..." he shoots the man head cause the next bullet was stored into the third reloading capsule. "This motherfucking inmate is lucky he is dead now. Because I would've skinned him alive and sold him as a carpet to Mexicans. Two more to go." he aims a revolver on his head and he puled the trigger, nothing happened, and he looks at the inmate next to that one who dared to say these things, to Abou. "Who are you, inmate? African? French? Or both?"

"I-I am from France." says Abou trying to keep his cool while a handgun it is aimed at his head.

"Oh... So you do speak French, right? Then how do you." he puled the trigger of the gun and nothing happened. "You can tell me a nice flirty line to get a woman in my bed, and cum all over her holes, huh? Can you, or are you a pussy?"

"Argh... Ar... On devrait t'arrêter pour excès de beauté sur la voice publique." says Abou feeling extremely terrified by this situation.

"Hm... I will come later to "Experience" more pick-up lines in French." he then does a kissing gesture are girls doing when they see their boyfriend from a far distance, and this made Abou shaking, which is something unusual for him. "Now. You are next." he aims his revolver for a guy who wears a lot of bandages on his head like he got a brain surgery or something. "What is your story, fella? You got fucked by a big man? Or beaten by a big man?"

"Kill me..." says the man, and The Boss aims his gun to the head of that man.

"As you wish." says the boss who's pulling the trigger of that revolver and a bullet came out from that inmate backside skull full of bandages, but before his body it is about to collapse, the Boss takes the man body and take out the bandages, to see the who's the inmate who just died. He got a grin and laughs after he discovered his face. "Poor bastard... He was the, so-called "King of North Block!"! He died like he deserved. A shoot in the head. By the Boss himself!"

He let the corpse of that King there, and he looks at the remaining inmates from North and a few South Block to head back to their cells and stay there until someone will come over and do their rest of the day much worse than now. The guards are taking those inmates, and they are putting them back to their cells, while The Boss is going with two guards to his office to administrate this building once again.

Rodriguez it is on his cell, he feels scared cause this is the first meeting of the man called The Boss. The one who rules this prison. The Psychopath Leader as some guards who are now inmate, thanks to those fucking things they were taking too far as guards. The man who'se not afraid to kill an inmate who is handicapped or has some disease which is not making him feel like a normal person. Rodriguez stays on the chair on his desk, and he waits for that one guard, who says he will come at them.


After a few minutes, that one guy who'se dressed in guard clothes comes to Rodriguez cells. He was about to open the doors, but he sees the door of the cell it is closed, so the guard looks at Rodriguez who is about to get up from the chair.

"Could you pass me the keys?"

"Weren't guards supposed to have keys?" asks Rodriguez, who's looking strange at the guard.

"I forgot those keys into the office."

"Aha... Then tell me... Are you truly on our side?"

The guard decide to play the game in other way, so he hands a latter to the bars of these cells, and he told him.

"This might clarify the thing why I am so nice compared with these men's."