Mr. Boss wants a word with you

A few days later, Mr. Boss is sitting on his office, on his comfortable chair, having on the left hand a glass of wine, and on the right hand, is holding a gun. In front of Mr. Boss it is Lenard, he got called here because Mr. Boss was looking on this "inmate" file, and he found out something. That was the thing Mr. boss was telling to Lenard and this is a lie. The true reason he got called here it is not because of a way to make Lenard become a free person, he got called here for doing something for him.

"So." says Mr. Boss looking at Lenard, who is on the other side of his desk, on the chair, with his handcuffs and having two guards at his back. "The reason I called you here it is not negotiation to your freedom. Do you know why?"

"Because you do not like me?" asks Lenard rhetorically.

"As an inmate, yes. But not as a lover or as a homosexual. I called you here for doing a small trade between me. I know you are not the one responsible for that heist. You are not the one."


"Yes. And I am afraid I cannot afford to free you."


"Because... Of me." he gets up from his chair, and he uses a knife to almost stab the left hand of Lenard, he speaks angrily to him. "You have done a lot of beatings here! You killed a man here, got a few inmates injured, even guards, and you helped at the escape of a few guards."


"How do I know?" asks Mr. Boss looking furiously at Lenard. "Is because of the hidden cameras. I have cameras everywhere, the broken ones are decoys!" he goes to another desk, filled with novels and paper works. He takes a folder from that desk, and he smiles. "And these things you have done, will not make you leave early the nest. But, I have a way to use you until this moment will happen."

Mr. Boss goes with that folder to the desk he was siting and where Lenard is. He puts it down, he ordered one guard to opened up, and he shows five pictures of the inmates. He looks at the Lenard and he tells him.

"If you manage to kill all these five gang members, I will be wiling to cut your sentence for a few years. These bastards need to be put down." he lights up a cigarette, and he looks at the picture of the first person. "The first bastard is Clint Newglood. Got here for blowing up a bus and killing twenty people. He is situated at the cell 6 from East Block. Kill him by the end of tomorrow, and we will let you do the next mission."

"And If I do not do it?" asks Lenard.

Then, Mr. Boss itself, got close to Lenard, he got his right hand on the head of this head, and he smashes Lenard head one time into the desk. This made Lenard to bleed and almost faint, but Mr. Boss and one guard manages to bring this man awake.

"We will beat you until you will wish to get a death sentence. What do you say? Deal? Or no deal?"

Lenard is looking at the man hand, then he thinks for a bit, and after a few seconds he gives the answer. Due to the pressures of the guards aiming their guns to Lenard head, he speaks his choice while the blood is dripping from his forehead.

"Deal." says Lenard to Mr. Boss.

"Fantastic. Now... Do not forget we are watching you from everywhere."

Mr. Boss smiles, and he looks at the guard. He orders them to move Lenard from here and threw him into the East Block directly because Mr. Boss wanted to see the man from there killed already. While he was escorted to the East Block, Lenard was thinking about how to kill that man from East Block.