Torture on Office

On the next day, Lenard enters once again the office of Mr. Boss, but this time, he managed to buy a tool from a seller from this prison, a needle. He never thought he would do that, but this is the final time he will have to kill somebody. After all, freedom cannot be done without a sacrifice.

Lenard enters the room, and there he is surprised to see an inmate, tied up to a chair, with his mouth blocked by a towel. The inmate is looking shocked to see Lenard there, and Mr. Boss, who was next to that inmate, is going closer to Lenard.

"Welcome, Lenard. Have you been well?"

Lenard was about to try and use his needle, but he observed the pistol on Mr. Boss hand, and this made Lenard to give up on this suicidal idea. He looks at the poor inmate who is trying to say something, but only a "muff" can be heard.

"What is this man?"

"Your target." says Mr. Boss backing two steps away from Lenard. "Your final target. And this final target is named Tsukasa Yuna, an ex-Yakuza member from the clan at the Ruby City, who's now owning the artificial island, made by Americans. These Asians scums have come to our island and took it from our hands." he signs Lenard to come at the desk, and when he come there, he shows him a variety of tools. "I want to see him dying slowly. And this will be up to you."

Lenard is looking at those tools, and he is inspecting them like he knew what he has to do. While he was looking at them, Mr. Boss is going to his chair at the desk, and he looks at the weapons Lenard is inspecting. After he put a wrench down, he looks around, and he sees three guards on this entire room, all of them armed with fire guns. Trying to attack them with the weapons on this table would be a bold and stupid move.

Lenard looked at the inmate for a minute, he analyzes him, and he realizes that he is crying. This made the thing difficult for Lenard, but he has to do it, otherwise he will have to try and survive a lot of time on this place. And he is afraid that some inmates might be caught up to the fact that Lenard was responsible for some deaths of the inmates on this prison made in the name of the devil himself.

He takes a pipe from there, he turns to that inmate from a Japanese gang with a sorry face, and he swing it into the head of that inmate. The hit was so strong hit made a disgusting scar on the head of the Yakuza man. Lenard was looking at the pipe, and he sees a blood stain on it. He then looks on the ground, holding out his tears and he proceeded to beat that inmate with the same weapon. While he was swinging the pipe into the head of the inmate and the other body parts, Mr. Boss was smiling at Lenard, while the guards were just staying there, astonished by the thing this inmate is doing.

A few more minutes later, Lenard falls on his knees, with the pipe on his hand, the pipe and his inmate clothes are all having blood stains on it. The guards are terrified by this man of strength and the dedication for the thing he fights for. The inmate on that chair doesn't have a head anymore, the meat thing on the floor is the remains of that head, together with some broken bones from the skull. Mr. Boss is rising from his seat, he gets closer to Lenard, and he whispers to him.

"You will be freed."

"Really?" asks Lenard breathing heavily.

And, before Mr. Boss would answer his question, he rises to his feet, and he backs away back to his chair.

"For killing five people... You will be freed in... 15 years... That sounds good."

"Good?" asks Lenard slowly raising from his feet. "Good?!"

Lenard looks at the corpse, and he laughs for a few moments. And before anyone would jump on him, Lenard threw that pipe into Mr. Boss, who hit his face. This made Mr. Boss falling from his chair, and before he would be an able to act on rage, the guards were using their teasers on Lenard, pinned him down, puts the handcuffs on him and beat him until he was almost about to do his last breath.

"Stop!" says Mr. Boss raising to his feet, walking to the Lenard who was put down and handcuffed by his guards. Mr. Boss got an injury on his face, and blood stains from the dead inmate on his face and clothes. "That is how you treat a generous offer? By throwing a pipe into your seller face. I do not know how are the business in Balkans, but here, we are civilized. We are talking and negotiating, not trying to murder each other."

Mr. Boss takes a knife from the desk, and he gets closer to Lenard. He does a small stab, yet painfully on the left check, he carves an B there, the initial of Mr. Boss. This was a painful experience to Lenard, he was trying to move and scream, but the guards were holding him so strong, Lenard it was not able to do anything.

"There." says Mr. Boss after he finished doing that"B" on the face of Lenard. "Now we are both hurt." he looks at his guards. "Threw him on the cell from undergrounds, and let him there for four days, without food, only one bottle of water."

"Yes, sir!" replies the guards getting the inmate up and escorting him to the underground cells, the place where inmates who were doing horrible crimes are locked, and Lenard, has done of those crimes in the following days.

While he was escorted there, all three of those guards congratulate him for doing such an attack with no mercy toward a man who they said: "with a family behind, one wife and three kids.". Lenard was not talking during all that escorting, to the underground cells.