We are starting a Riot - Part 4

"On the ground! Now!" yells Agent Jeremy entering first on the room while he is aiming his submachine gun at the guards who are trusting Mr. Boss.

Then, the other seven guards, who weren't on Mr. Boss side, are taking out their hidden weapons from their pants, under the couch, under the table and aims at those guards who are slowly raising their hands up and looking in shocked at the guards and at Ramirez who are holding them at gun points.

"Shit." says a guard to the Agent Jeremy. "I always knew you were a shady guard. Cannot believe our beloved Mr. Boss hired such an untrusted man."

"You Mr. Boss is nothing but a criminal. Much larger than all of these inmates from this prison put together."

"You traitors." says another guard who is on Mr. Boss side. "You are going to pay for the monstrosity you were doing it."

"Yeah?" asks Ramirez aiming his stun gun at that guard. "Well, do you like torture and killing innocent inmates? Who were put here wrong and made prisoners kill themselves?"

"They deserve those punishments!" says that inmate. "They are monsters!"

"You've killed an impregnated inmate." says a guard who is aiming a shotgun at that Mr. Boss guard.

"She was an inmate and had sex. She should've been burned on a steak!"

"You sick fucks!" says Agent Jimmy to that guard, and it wasn't a good idea because that one decides to say "fuck it" and charges at Jimmy.

And then, gunshots were heard from that room. All the four guards who were on Mr. Boss sides were brutally murdered. After they got killed, the guards in the room proceed to clean up the mess by using towels and great cleaning materials to wipe out blood from the room, Ramirez and with four guards put Mr. Boss guard's bodies into four body bags and leave with them by taking the same secret passage. The way was lead up by Ramirez since he knew where this passage is heading and where it is the crematorium.

In a few minutes all of them got there, and threw the bodies at that fire. When he was doing that, Agent Jeremy also come along, carrying the body of the guard Ramirez murdered in his room. It was heavy, but Jeremy managed to carry it all the way here.

"I told you can trust me." says Jeremy while he is throwing that body into the fire. "So, tomorrow at twelve we will start the riot in our room?"

"For sure." says one guard to Jeremy.

"Great. Then we will all see tomorrow." says Ramirez leaving the room and heading back to his cell.

"Good night, Ramirez!" says Agent Jeremy while Ramirez is leaving this room and heads to his cell.


"And that is how today we are starting a riot."

"Wow." says Lenard amazed, but then he remembers one thing Ramirez, or Rodriguez, said earlier. "So, I was a member of Yakuza? no wonder Yuki used to look weird at me."

"Anyway. We will be able to chit-chat later." says Ramirez to Lenard, and he hands him a bat. "We have to make some damage here."

"Fo'sure." says Lenard leaving the cell with him and heading to where is the rest of the inmates at.

While Lenard was going with Ramirez, he is thinking about the thing he told him earlier, about the detective. He stops from walking. Ramirez also stopped when he saw his cellmate not moving anymore, he goes at him, and he looks at him, worried.

"Hey, pal. Are you alright?"

"Thank you." says Lenard crying. "Thank you for helping me so much."

"Don't thank me." says Ramirez with a smile to Lenard. "Thanks, God for helping you. Now let's go. We have to do some damage here."

"You're right." says Lenard going with where the other inmates are heading, to the Mr. Boss office.