Static Shock Ch. 15

There was nothing but fields of dying crops for hours before they got to a town. It was deserted and seemed to have already been looted by other survivors. They stopped at a motel and slept the night, except Nick, who wandered throughout the empty husk of what used to be a town full of life. He was carrying a flash light he found in a drugstore nearby, the light was dim, but it did the job. While roaming around, he noticed that there was graffiti on walls. Nick shined the light on the words and began to read, "refugee camp 400 miles east." "Sure hope there still up and running," he said to himself, continuing to explore the town for a couple more hours before heading back and going to sleep with the others.

When everyone woke up and had breakfast, Nick casually mentioned his discoveries, "so I found graffiti talking about a camp 400 miles east of here." Kasey stopped eating and looked up at Nick with a bit of hope in her eyes. "Are you sure this camp is even around anymore?" Jerry asked, not as convinced of the camp's ability to be operating still. "I can't be sure about that, but it wouldn't hurt to try and drive there and see for ourselves," Nick replied. "Maybe when everyone is healed up first we can consider going to this camp you're talking about," Donald said, finishing his food and going to the lobby of the motel. Everyone finished eating, and did their own thing. Mary and Jerry both rested in the lobby with Donald and Nick, along with Kasey, walked around town for anything to scavenge.They started to talk with each other while roaming, "how likely is it that camp is still up and running?" Kasey asked, looking around to see anything that might be useful. "Well, the aliens track us through our body heat, which is why all the major cities were the first ones invaded," Nick said, also looking around. He continued, "so if the camp was too big, it might not be around anymore, but we'll have to see ourselves until then." "I see," Kasey said, not reassured by Nick's reply. They brought back a couple first-aid kits, canned goods, and other miscellaneous things to the motel as the sun went down.

They all had dinner together and went to sleep for the night once more. In the morning, Nick woke up and went to his machine. He checked it's power, it was good for only a couple more uses before it would die on him, "dammit," he said to himself. Fortunately, the power source for the weapon was a car battery, but Nick still scolded himself for almost running out when they were being chased by the savages. He went and looked for any cars that were left behind by their owner's in the town. There were a couple, Nick managed to get five car batteries in total, he grabbed a shopping cart, put the batteries in it and went back to the motel.

When he got back, everyone else was awake, waiting for him. "What's with the batteries?" Kasey asked, looking at the cart full of them. "There for my machine, it runs on them," Nick said, if he had the time he would've liked to make it solar powered. They had breakfast again, and nothing else remarkable happened throughout the day.