Chapter 4

Yeah, she felt like she could just hit the wall and die.

How could she still have the face to live?

Emma's face was very painful. Tears rolled around her eyes in humiliation.

She finally knew who had sex with her that night.

To know the truth under such circumstances was worse than death.

Her nominal brother-in-law was the person who had sex with her that day.

"Emma Quinsley, I treated you so well. Is this how you repay me? You have really disappointed me. I really wish I could strangle you right now. " Caroline Devonte was also extremely heartbroken. Thinking of the blow and humiliation that her daughter had suffered, she really wanted to tear Emma apart.

"Sorry, I really don't know what happened that day. I was drugged!" Emma's teeth were trembling in pain.

But who would believe what she said now?

Jaxon Quinsley used brute force and finally pulled Emily off the flower bed. Emily's expression was even uglier than death.

She was wearing a pure white wedding dress, and it was the cruelest ridicule towards her.

Gustav Quinsley turned around and walked quickly towards Emma.

Emma Quinsley was unprepared and her hand was forcefully pulled by Gustav Quinsley. She was stumbling and dragged towards the direction of the flower bed.

"No, grandpa, I'm not going up!" Emma cried and shouted.

However, Gustav Quinsley did not care about her fear and crying at all. He still ruthlessly dragged her onto the flower bed and pushed her towards Archie Grafton.

"She's yours now!"

Emma's mind was blank. When she heard Gustav Quinsley say such emotionless words, she was shocked.

But this was not the most hair-raising thing. The man standing beside her reached out his hand and grabbed her little head, forcing her to raise her little face. His slightly cold lips fiercely kissed her little mouth.

Emma did not have time to breathe. At this moment, her entire body was stretched into a string.

Her face was swollen from being hit, but because of his ambiguous actions, her ears were also red.

He grinded her lip and plundered her sweetness inch by inch.

"No. . . " Emma only felt that the air in her lungs was about to be sucked out and she almost suffocated.

Her two hands formed a fist and heavily punched towards his chest but he did not move at all.

He only let go of her when he was satisfied. Her pink lip was bitten until it was red and swollen like a rose with blood.

"You bastard!" Emma's beautiful eyes were filled with resentment as she stared at him and cursed.

"Marry me!" His cold and handsome face suddenly revealed a devilish smile. His words were soft and gentle, making people want to forget that he had torn the hope of Quinsley Family like a devil a second ago, destroyed Emily's happiness, and humiliated Emma's innocence.

"I will not marry you even if I die. " Emma also had a backbone and angrily roared.

His two thick eyebrows with heroic spirit arrogantly raised. "If you are not going to die, marry me. "

Gustav Quinsley was still standing at the side. When he heard that Emma wanted to die, he suddenly scolded, "Emma, you better marry President Grafton obediently. Don't make things difficult for me."

"Grandfather, how can you let me marry this beast?" Emma Quinsley felt dizzy and almost fainted from anger.