Chapter 6

I thought she'd be as excited as an idiot to marry him, but now it looks like she's an idiot, a little idiot.

"Have you been wronged by marrying me?" Archie Grafton asked her coldly.

"You bastard!" She pointed a small hand at his face and cursed.

"I only used my power as husband and wife with you in advance. If you dare to do this again, we will continue tonight." The man elegantly walked to her side and slightly leaned over. His thin lips were emitting hot air from her soft earlobe.

"You bastard, I won't allow you to mess around." Emma Quinsley was so scared that she even forgot to cry and immediately escaped three meters away.

"You won't allow it?" The man raised his thick eyebrows. "In the Grafton Family, I always have the final say. "

Emma's small face stiffened. Yes, her threat was not strong at all. The man in front of her was as scary and powerful as a devil.

How could she suppress him by throwing a tantrum?

"Now, do you still want to return to Quinsley Family?" Archie Grafton thought that he had scared her and asked indifferently.

"Yes, I want to go back and explain everything clearly!" Emma had no other thoughts at this moment. She only hoped that the people of Quinsley Family could still distinguish right from wrong and knew that all of this was not caused by her.

Archie Grafton didn't think that she would have such a backbone. She actually dared to return to the Quinsley Family at this time.

He didn't stop her. Instead, he took out a business card from his pocket and placed it in front of her chest in an evil manner. "If you have something to do, remember to look for your husband!"

Emma Quinsley was shocked by his frivolous tone. She would look for him? No way.

She did not want to see him again in this lifetime.

"Don't even think about running away. You will always be Archie Grafton's woman. If you run away, I will make you suffer when I find you." Archie Grafton warned her.

He could tell that this woman was dishonest.

"You can kill me now. It's good for everyone if I die!" Emma was ready to throw caution to the wind. She had lost all her face today.

"You misunderstood me!" Archie Grafton realized that teasing Emma Quinsley was really an interesting thing.

"You are shameless!" Emma Quinsley angrily gritted her teeth and cursed.

To think that there would be such a dirty bastard in the world. It was an eye-opener for her.

"I will ask my housekeeper to send someone to send you!" Archie Grafton said in a friendly tone. His elegant and noble figure disappeared from the doorway.

Emma Quinsley clenched her hands in anger and anger. She quickly followed him downstairs.

Her mind was in a mess right now, but she still decided to go back to Quinsley Family to prove her crime.

When she thought about how the Quinsley Family nurtured her, Emma was filled with guilt. She was the illegitimate daughter of her mother, and after her mother married abroad. . . She did not care about her and was adopted by her grandfather and grandmother in the Quinsley Family. Ever since she was a child, she knew that she was considered half an outsider. She didn't cause any trouble either. She would follow the rules and dream that one day. . . She would be able to leave the Quinsley Family and live a carefree life.

However, this dream had been forcefully torn apart by Archie Grafton.

She had become a sinner of the Quinsley Family and destroyed Emily's happiness. Would the Quinsley Family still forgive her?

She went downstairs in a trance and saw a black Rolls-Royce parked at the door. A young man stood beside the car and said to her with a smile, "Young mistress, please get in the car. Young master asked me to send you back."

Emma Quinsley hurriedly got into the car and the door was closed tightly.

Through the window, she saw the long and well-built figure of the man in the bright living room. He held a glass of water in his hand and drank elegantly, but his eyes were fixed in her direction.

Emma's mind was blank for no reason. She immediately avoided his burning gaze and lowered her head to the seat.

The car sped across the huge manor of Grafton Family and drove towards the bustling city.

Half an hour later, the car stopped steadily at the entrance of the Quinsley Family's villa.