Chapter 10

"I didn't. I don't like Archie, and I never thought of marrying him." Emma Quinsley retorted excitedly.

"But you made love to him. I never made love to him." Emily Quinsley shouted at her at the top of her voice.

Emma's eyes shook. That day, she was completely unable to control herself. She was tortured by the medicinal effect to the point of losing consciousness. Whether or not she took the initiative to have sex with Archie, she could not remember.

But in the end, Archie Grafton was the mastermind and the root of all evil. She was just a pitiful person who had been used.

Gustav Quinsley's old face turned dark and ugly. He forcefully slapped the table and supported her. "Enough, stop talking. It's so embarrassing."

Emma was so scared that her face turned pale, but she did not give up. She continued to plead with him. "Grandfather, please don't marry me to Archie Grafton."

"Emma, you better understand the current situation. We can't afford to offend the Grafton Family. You can take it as a way to repay me for raising you for 21 years. After serving Archie Grafton well, ask him to give a few more orders to the Quinsley Family. Give us food to eat, and I won't pursue the matter of you snatching your sister's man." Gustav Quinsley was also extremely furious. He was originally a person who cared about his dignity, but today. . . The Quinsley Family was embarrassed because of Emma, how could he not be angry?

Emma shook violently. It seemed that no matter how much she begged, her grandfather would give her to Archie.

"Quickly return to the Grafton Family. Don't offend Archie. Don't let the Quinsley Family get involved. Just treat it as me begging you." Emma sighed heavily. If it wasn't for the fact that the Quinsley Family wasn't powerful enough, he would never sell his granddaughter for money. In the past, he was also very powerful. However, he didn't want the Quisnley Family's hundred-year foundation to be destroyed because of his and his son's incompetence.

Emma's body was stiff and cold. She trembled and got up from the ground. Her eyes were filled with sadness.

Her grandfather had already said what he wanted to say. If she didn't agree to return to the Grafton Family, she would be an ungrateful person.

"Grandpa, take good care of yourself. I'll return to the Grafton Family now!" Emma held back her tears. When she turned around, tears fell from her eyes.

"Emma, you're shameless. I curse you for not being happy for the rest of your life. You will have your retribution." Emily scolded her loudly from behind. She was also screaming at the top of her lungs and in extreme pain.

Emma's footsteps were heavy as she walked out step by step.

She thought that losing virginity was the most painful thing in her life. It was not. It was the most painful thing for her to marry a bastard she didn't love.

After sitting in the car, driver asked her respectfully, "Young mistress, are you going back to Grafton Family?"

"I don't want to go back. Send me somewhere!" Emma did not want to go back to that strange and cold home. That was not her home at all.

"Then I must ask young master for instructions." driver did not have the authority to make decisions.

Emma wanted to stop him, but she knew it would make things difficult for driver.

"Young mistress, young master asked you to answer the phone." driver said a few words and put his phone in the backseat.

Emma stared at the phone and felt extremely disgusted.

Her grandfather's warning rang in her ears again. She could not offend Archie and could not get into the Quinsley Family.

She reached out her hand and placed the phone beside her ear. A man's low and indifferent voice sounded, "If you don't go home, where are you going to play?"

"Can't I find a friend to chat with?" Emma was angry and could not control it.

"Watch your tone. You are talking to your husband now." There was a trace of displeasure in the man's tone.

"You are not my husband! I won't admit it." Emma retorted angrily.

"Are you reminding me that we still lack a marriage certificate?" Archie's tone was full of sarcasm.

"That's not what I meant. I don't want a marriage certificate with you." Emma regretted it.

"In order to make you truly my wife, we will apply for the marriage certificate tomorrow." Archie said in a domineering manner.