Chapter 06: A Name For My Lura

When Recovery Girl what I wanted to name my Lura, I stumbled across a new weak point of myself. Naming things. Obviously, I didn't want it to sound stupid, but at the same time, I'm not going to try and make it sound like some kind of godly power, even though it very technically is, at least me and my tribe believe so. My Lura had to do with my bones, so there's what I had to base the name off of.

I didn't spend too long thinking about it. Bone Monarch. Seeing as I had 100% percent control of my bones, it made sense. (I know it has a different name in the introductory chapter, I just thought Bone Monarch sounded better)

Me: Bone Monarch. I would like to name it Bone Monarch.

Recovery Girl nodded and left the room.

-A week later-

I get let out today. Even though I was relatively fine during my chat with Recovery Girl a week ago, my body's vitals were still extremely low. It seems true that my "regeneration" only works for my skin and muscles, since nothing else healed, and we had to wait until my body was already naturally recovered enough before Recovery Girl would be able to use her Quirk to speed up my healing. One thing I noticed during the week, judging by some of the things I heard outside the room, this wasn't a hospital, it was more like a "school", as Pixie Bob taught me about. I had reason to believe this was UA, which Pixie Bob also taught me about. It was a Hero school, a school that taught young people how to become Heroes, and also would obtain licenses for official Hero work.

I assume that the Pussycats brought me here instead of a hospital because of Recovery Girl's medical knowledge being more vast as well as her Quirk. As I was thinking to myself, Tiger came into the room, not in his Hero outfit, but in casual clothing. It was my first time seeing him out of the Hero costume, actually. He smiled at me, and gave me a gentle hug.

Tiger: Hey, son. I bet you're excited to get out of this bed, huh?

I smiled. It took a little bit of getting used to having actual parents that I know, but I am happy that I do.

Me: Yeah, I am.... dad.

When I called him dad, he stood in shock for several seconds, before tightening his hug.

-After being let out, and back at the lodge-

Me and Dad walked into the lodge through the front door. Pixie Bob, Ragdoll and Mandalay saw us enter, and the three of them came running at me at blinding speeds, all of them hugging me with a lot of strength, but not to the point that it would start to hurt. For several hours, I just relaxed with them. It was nice being able to move around again, and not to be stuck on a bed, listening to the sound of your vitals fluctuating on a machine next to you. I eventually went to my room to go get my spear, I was going to train with it.

While I was looking, the Pussycats were having a talk.

Tiger: I think it's the best option. He could learn to properly utilize his ability. Plus, he could make some friends, which he really needs.

Ragdoll: Isn't the Entrance Exam next week? We need to seriously up his studies if he's going to pass the written portion, and then we've got the practical part too. All he knows right now are basic punches, kicks, grabs, and footwork, as well as some basic recoveries. Plus, he awakened his Quirk literally yesterday, and in the process, became the biggest mystery in all of Japan, since everyone heard it, but don't know who it was, all they know is that it was a person. Hell, four buildings collapsed!!

Pixie Bob: Well, we first have to see if he actually wants to do it.

Mandalay: Agreed. We can continue this talk once he comes back from his spear training.

He didn't train for long, around 45 minutes. For now, he just wanted to get a good basic feel for things, such as his handling and his footwork. (I'm not a weapons expert, especially with spears. Katana's I have more knowledge about, but you'd be retarded to try and hunt with a katana over a spear, and I want practicality to actually be the focus, not just stuff I think is cooler).

He came back after gaining some basic fundamental knowledge, and the Pussycats were on a couch, watching TV. When he came in, they paused it, and turned to him.

Mandalay: Hey, honey. We were wondering if you would like to go to UA. If you go there, you could learn lots of things, controlling your "Lura" better would be just one. You don't have to, not at all, keep that in mind.

I thought about it for a bit. I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious at all about UA. I wanted to see for myself what it was like. So, without thinking much further, I nodded.

Pixie Bob: Then we'll have to seriously intensify your lessons so that you can pass the written portion. You're okay with that, right, sweetie?

Me: I don't mind. I can tell I'll need it. I only request that I can stay up a bit later to try and get used to my Lura.

They didn't see much wrong with it, so they steadily agreed. And so began my intensive learning a week before the UA Entrance Exam.