Chapter 10: Combat Training

(Daily Music of the day: Dearly Beloved but you're tired of everything (Just look it up on Youtube) )

It was the day after the Quirk Apprehension Test. I had decided to make a habit of getting to UA much earlier than it started, so that I could get some practice in, and also be right on time when it eventually started, so I got my morning schedule done, hugged and said goodbye to my family, and sprinted towards UA again.

I had decided a good while ago to make sure to try and balance my physical abilities, but at the same time, my specialty would be my speed and agility. I wouldn't ignore other things such as strength, however. So, since I arrived hours earlier than opening time, I decided to do some exercises for my arms, as compared to my legs, they were far, far weaker, pitifully so.

I exercised for what was probably an hour and a half, until I heard the voice of the spiky red haired person and the pink skinned and haired girl.

MIna: Oh, hey Bean! Didn't know you also liked to arrive early!

Kirishima: Oh, you doing exercises? Manly! Mind if I join you?

Me: Feel free to. Just don't expect stellar conversation from me.

He joined me in my exercises. We were just silently doing workouts, until I saw him do something I didn't see before. He did what looked like a sit up, but held his upper body up as long as he could.

Me: What's that you just did?

Kirishima: Oh! That's called a crunch! Kinda like a sit-up, but you try and hold yourself midway! Try it!

I attempted to copy what he did. From where the strain was heaviest, I assume this exercise is mostly for the chest. This is good, my chest also needs a lot of work. I have him to thank for this.

Me: Sorry if you've said it before, but what's your name?

Kirishima: The name's Ejiro Kirishima! The girl you saw me with is MIna Ashido! You?

Me: My name is Jokara Kowai. Thank you for showing me this "crunch". It will help me quite a bit.

He gave me a toothy grin.

Kirishima: No problem, little dude! You seem pretty cool!

I felt... happy, with him. I didn't really feel happy around others, except for my family, so this was new to me. Is this what they meant when they said "friends"?

Me and Kirishima continued our exercise for 30 more minutes before deciding to rest until school started. We decided to just talk until school started and the others arrived.

Mina: So, Bean, how old are you?

Kirishima: Yeah, I mean, it's obvious you're way younger than the rest of us! Not judging, I think it's really manly that you still managed to get here!

Me: I'm 8 years old.

Kirishima: Woah, you're 7 whole years younger than me! (I don't know how old Kiri is at the start of MHA)

Mina: Where do you come from?

Me: The Kaguya tribe.

They looked extremely perplexed at my answer.

Kirishima: Wait...that hunter-gatherer tribe? THAT Kaguya tribe?

Me: You know about them?

Mina: Yeah, me and Kiri had to do a project about tribes in our previous school, so we chose the Kaguya tribe, cause we found them really cool! I mean, they're so strong! An 8 year old is stronger than some adults with strength enhancement Quirks in that tribe! You're really from it!?

I nodded. She seemed really excited. I didn't know my tribe had admirers from this modern environment.

Kirishima: Wow, that's really cool, bro! What's it like?

Me: Well, from a young age, we're taught multiple things about the wilds, and what everything does, and it's purpose in the world. For example, we're taught about how predators keep the population numbers of prey in check, and how plant-eaters keep plants from overgrowing and spreading where they aren't supposed to be. However, combat is what makes up most of our lifestyle, mostly as a sport, but also as a necessity to survive. However, everyone else around me seemed so much happier than I was. Some even seemed wary of me. I never met my birth parents either. I tried to ask about it, but I would just get stares of empathy.

They were excited for the first half of my explanation, but when I started explaining my situation, they visibly saddened.

Kirishima: Sorry about that, bro. I can't imagine what that must be like.

Mina: We could be like your cool siblings!! I'm the cool sister, Kiri is the brother!!

Me: ... I think I would like that.

We must have been talking for a while, since others started arriving, and the doors to the school building opened.

(By the way, he's still going to cold to others for a while. He had no real social life for 8 years, that's not going to go away from one interaction.)

We all went to our classroom. For most of the day, we just had normal lessons, but right now, we were in a classroom, waiting for our teacher for something we have no idea of. After waiting for a while, the tall man from the hologram in my acceptance letter came through the door, in a rather strange way, might I add. He was apparently the Number 1 Hero, All Might. The others seemed excited, at least. He said we were going to have combat training. But before that, he told us to get into our hero outfits that we put an order in for.

At least I would finally get my costume. In the male changing room, we all got changed. I went with a modified version of my tribe's hunting clothing, without the top, along with the war paint. I had actually made the paint from resources I gathered myself using resins and other materials.

(He's wearing the same outfit as Kimimaro when he fought against Gaara and the others, but without the top He's also got the paint on him now. I might make minor changes in the future)

I came out, and waited for the others. They came shortly after I did, all in their outfits. Some were impressive and I could see their practical use, but some looked, for lack of a better word, unnecessary in some ways. For example, the gravity girl. What was the point of a helmet if your Lura makes you vomit upon overuse? That would just make things worse. Also, the boy with bi-coloured hair had ice covering half of him and some kind of red eye accessory.

(Canon events until Bakugou and Iida versus Uraraka and Izuku)

Some of the matches so far were rather impressive, especially the last match between the green haired person and the spiky blond haired one. Now, it was my turn.

All Might: Hero team: Todoroki and Shoji! Villain team: Jokara and Ojiro!

Looks like we'll be going up against the bi-coloured hair person called Todoroki and the multiple armed person called Shoji. My partner, Ojiro, seems to have a tail as his Lura.

We went into the building, and got into our spots. I was going to go after the two Heroes, and Ojiro was going to be defending the weapon. He seemed to be alright with the plan.

I was about to go after them, when I saw ice spreading into the room. I assume this is Todoroki. If he thinks that his pathetic ice can stop me, he's got another thing coming. I sprinted out faster than his ice could keep spreading, and soon enough, I saw him. He was just touching a wall, most likely using it as a spreading point. Too bad for him.

He couldn't even react as I jump kicked him in the head with enough force to send him flying backwards. He hit the wall hard, making a loud "BANG" sound resonate. He looked to be quite injured from that move alone.

Me; Get up!! Is this your limit?! Pathetic!

What I said seemed to have given him some kind of shock, as evidenced by his widened eyes and gasp. He looked to be fearful. My words probably reminded him of something. But, the battle hungry part of my personality was coming out.

Me: You need to be better than that!! Bring out your full strength! Anything else is worthless!

My words seemed to keep scaring him. I was convinced he has heard these words before if he shows such fear towards them.

Getting frustrated, I rushed to him and kneed him in the gut, achieving the effect of both indenting him into the wall, and making him cough up blood. I didn't let him rest, and kept punching him further into the wall by raining down punch after punch on his gut, only stopping at around the 40th punch. He fell unconscious shortly after. His partner came in the check what was going on, only to see his teammate knocked out, indented into a concrete wall. I sensed him, so I rushed to him at my top speed, which was way faster than he can react. I grabbed him by the head and slammed it into the wall as hard as I could, along with all my velocity., knocking him out instantly.

We won, easily, since the Hero Team was knocked out. Me and my partner went back to the observation room where the others were.

All Might: Before we talk about anything else, may I ask you, young Jokara, why you were so violent against Todoroki? You don't need to be so forceful, you just have to either immobilize them or wrap them with capture tape.

Me: To be honest with you, I don't know. My power affects my personality quite negatively, mostly making me thirsty for battle, as well as more violent in combat. But, I don't regret it. He should take this as a lesson to actually fight like he gives a shit. Maybe then he wouldn't have been my punching bag.

My response made them all silent. Most of them looked unnerved, others looked quite upset. I don't care. The second you're in a fight, even a simulated one, you accept that these things can happen.

All Might: Young Jokara, that not very hero-li-

Me: Don't say it. You know, I looked up lots of Heroes online and saw videos about them, how they all act, they're all the same, just in different shapes. Not allowed to show their actual selves, not allowed to be realistic, they're only supposed to show their happy selves, and only allowed to do things the "Right" way. Screw that. I'm not going to be some copy-paste of the same happy-go-lucky smiley douchebag all heroes conduct themselves as today. So zip it with your "Un-hero-like" response. You may be the Number 1 Hero, but that just means you're the Number One actor in a sea of them.

Everyone seemed taken aback by my response to a simple sentence. It's true though. All Heroes I've seen are frustratingly fake with everything, especially their emotions and the things they're allowed to and how they do it. It's stupid. And I will not follow it.

School ended shortly after, and I just wanted to be at the lodge, so I simply sprinted there, arriving shortly after. It seems my Lura has completely affected my personality. Most others would not like this, but I am glad about it. It means I can show what I actually am, not some fake asshole who smiles all the time.

(Main reason he won so easily was because of how much faster he was compared to his enemies)