Chapter 13: Jokara vs Nomu

(Daily Music: [Undertronic Original] SharaX - Sound of Winter (Cider, Chronos & Zephyr Vocals) )

I couldn't find any more toys to play with in this simulated forest. It seems that fog villain thought these weaklings would be enough for me.

Just when I started having lots of fun, too.

Well, might as well check out how all the others are doing. I activated my Lightning stance and ran out of the fake forest, quickly reaching the central area of USJ. To my delight, I saw lots of toys around the area. But my delight died down when I noticed that Aizawa was here too, so he would definitely see it if I killed these vermin. Oh well, I could at least permanently cripple them.

I dashed towards a man with sharp teeth, resembling a tiger's.

The only tigers I accept are the animals and my dad, pathetic criminal.

He didn't see me dashing behind him, so I grabbed him by the legs and flipped him over me, slamming him into the concrete floor, breaking his teeth and giving him permanent brain damage.

I set my sights on another man, he had a large body, around 9 feet tall.

That just gives me more to cut.

I ran behind him, manifested a bone above my hand, and sliced the tendons and muscles in his legs, and since his body was so large, there was so much more for me to cut. He collapsed onto the ground screaming in pain as his legs permanently gave out. While I did enjoy his screaming, it gets pretty grating, so I shut him up by slamming my leg onto him hard enough to fracture his skull, knocking him out in the process.

His screaming drew the attention of several toys around me.

Villain 1: W-what the hell?! H-heroes aren't that brutal!! T-this is a kid too!

Villain 2: R-run!

Not on my watch, pests.

I dashed towards the two villains who talked, put my hands on the back of their heads, and brought my hands downwards, indenting their skulls in the concrete.

Just to make sure, though...

I stomped on their backs hard, hearing a satisfying "Crack". I broke their spines, meaning that if they got out of this, they'll spend the rest of their lives in wheelchairs.

I was about to get more villains, until a large, bipedal, bird-like creature appeared in front of me. It punched towards me with incredible speed, which I barely dodged.

I kicked it in the chest, but it showed no reaction. Either it's just that much more stronger than my physical strength, or it has something to nullify or lesson blunt force impact. I'll only truly know if I do this.

I went into Earth stance and punched it dead centre in the stomach, but again, no reaction. I'm willing to bet that I was on the mark with the absorption of blunt force impact.

No worries, after all, it doesn't have venom or slash resistance.

Me: Partner, I'm going to cut it's leg muscles, and while it's down, I want you to bite it and inject it with as much venom as you can in the time span of 5 seconds, then come back to me.

I didn't have to be looking at them to know that they had agreed. I manifested bones above my hand again, and charged towards it. It punched towards me, but I nimbly dodged by sliding under it, rotating on the floor in a full circle when I was between it's legs, cutting it's heel, making it fall.

My companion instantly sprung to it's neck and bit it, injecting what must have been a whole water bottle's worth of venom before springing back onto my neck.

I was about to go and play with more toys, but the thing regenerated it's damaged leg muscles, and stood back up. However, if it's sluggish movements were anything to go off of, the venom was still working. Looks like I just have to battle it out until the venom take's it's life.

It sprinted towards me and tried to grab me in a bear hug, something I avoided quite a lot easier than before, seeing as the venom was making it much slower and sloppier than before.

It kept trying to grab me, but I kept dodging it, each time getting easier and easier, until, by the 8th attempt of it trying to grab me, it fell to the floor, unmoving. Seems the venom killed it,

Just to make sure though, I sliced it's head, arms and legs off with an arm bone.

Shortly after, All Might arrived. His presence seemed to scare the people who were hanging back since the start of this, and they left shortly after.

Emergency services arrived shortly after. All the students were checked on to make sure they were fine. However, they seemed to get terrified when they saw me. I wonder why?

All Might: Young Jokara, why are you covered head to toe in blood?

Ah, so that's why.

Me: I got grabbed by a large villain, so I had to eject bones outside of myself to get them to let go, and it covered me in lots of blood.

My made-up response seemed to fool him. I wonder how he would react if he knew I ripped open someone's back and showered in their blood.

We were brought back to UA shortly after questioning. Lots of the students seemed to be shaken up, and they were talking about what happened. Mina saw me and hugged me tightly, likely relieved that I was alright.

Mina: But what about Bean? He's so young, even compared to us! He must have been so scared!

Tsuyu: True, if it was so scary for us, I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for someone 7 years younger than the youngest of us.

Oh, how wrong you all are.

(Last chance to come up with a suitable name for his snake companion.)