Chapter 26: Return To UA

(Daily Music: 24KGoldn- City Of Angels Funk Remix)

Finally, after a week of internships, we would all be returning to UA. I hope that the others improved as much as I have, more even.

I got my bag with the few things I brought and went to the front of the agency, where Miruko was.

Me: Thank you for helping me improve so much, Miruko. I am much better now than I was when I arrived a week ago.

Miruko: No problem kiddo. Just promise me that you'll kick everyone's ass at UA for me! Also, keep in touch! I wanna keep up with my student!

She, like everyone seems to be doing lately, ruffled my hair. She also gave me a gentle hug.

It felt nice.

After saying goodbye to Miruko, Yoneda, Yamagata, Takata and Tadano, I left the agency, and began to sprint towards UA.

I had asked Miruko if I could keep some of the weights that I had put on my body for all exercise days, and she gave some to me. I was wearing them right now, and even though they were on, I was still going at Mach 1.

I arrived at UA shortly, and went to class. I was the first to arrive.

I waited in class for others to arrive, and they started arriving 10 minutes later. The first to arrive were Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, Tsuyu, Jiro, Momo, Uraraka and Sero.

Mina ran over to me and picked me up in a hug. We hadn't interacted in a week apart from my request for her to add me to the chat group last night, so she most likely missed me. I missed her and Kirishima quite a bit too.

Mina: The bean is back!!

Kirishima: Hey! How's my little bro been doing?

I hugged Mina and Kirishima. Well, their legs, at least. 8 year old height and all.

Me: I've been doing good. I've gotten much better than before. I hope you two have as well.

Eventually, the rest of the students arrived.

At some point, someone brought up the news of a hero killer named Stain. Midoriya, Todoroki and Iida had fought him, and, according to the news, were saved by Endeavor. I doubt that's the proper story, though, judging by how apprehensive they were when that whole "saved by Endeavor" part came up in the conversation. Soon afterwards, classes started.

We eventually got to Hero Basic Training Class with All Might. He told us that training would consist of a rescue training race. We would all be split up into four-person groups, and the person in each group had to reach a distress signal that he would send before the others. I was placed against Todoroki, Tsuyu and Jiro.

The second we got the clear to start racing, I instantly dashed up, and began launching myself from pipe to pipe. Even with the weights on, I was still much faster than any of my other classmates, and so, I reached the distress signal several minutes before they did, it was not even close to being difficult.

It took minutes for someone else to arrive, and it was Todoroki. The next one to arrive was Tsuyu, and Jiro was the last one.

Me: All of you are still so far behind. When are you going to make things interesting for me? It's actually beginning to get sad how far behind me you all are.

Jiro: Hey! You got interned by one of the top heroes! You were also already really strong even before internships started! We aren't gonna be able to change that in just a week! Besides, speed is your specialty, of course you would be the best at this kind of stuff!

Me: Ah, there it is. The trademark denial of your mediocrity that runs rampant in you city dwellers. You can either keep making excuses for your own weaknesses, or you can shut up and try hard to improve so that you can actually be worth a damn when you graduate.

All Might: Now, now! There's no need to fight. I'm sure that your classmates are trying their best to improve, Young Jokara! After all, there have definitely been some improvements in mobility!

Me: You're right. There's no need for a fight. After all, it would end in an instant, and UA would have three less students. The only way that can change is if they go from weak and pitiful to semi-decent. And if they keep going at this speed, that will never happen. Let's move on, seeing so much mediocrity pisses me off.

I didn't let them retort as I walked back to the observation area.

If no one here has improved substantially, I will fucking lose it. If I could go from physically weak to extremely physically powerful in the span of a week, they could go from trash to simply below average in that much time as well. And yet, they still provide no entertainment.

-The next day-

Today, Aizawa told us that for the summer break, we would be going to a summer lodge.

Me: Aizawa, sir, are you referring to the lodge owned by the Wild Wild Pussycats?

Aizawa: Yes. Why?

Me: I live there. The Wild Wild Pussycats are my parents.

Silence took over the room completely.

Midoriya: I wasn't expecting that one. To be honest, I was starting to wonder if Jokara had anyone taking care of him in the first place.

Me: What are we going to be doing there, sir?

Aizawa: Well, we'll be doing extremely rigorous training specifically designed to enhance everyone's Quirks.

Good, that means that the weaklings can become slightly less weak.

(As a bonus, here's another picture of kid Kimimaro)