Chapter 33: The Night The Boy Died

(Daily Music: Cosmic Latte-Cold Fly)

I had gotten to one who killed Kota, but there were still villains here. And for as long as they're here, I will kill every one of them that I find.

I whistled for Ryujin.

"Look for scents that you know aren't my classmates or my parents", I said to him.

He "tasted" the air with his forked tongue, and then slithered extremely quick in a certain direction. I followed him at the same pace he was going at.

As we were dashing, I had time to put attention on my transformation. I already noticed the change in my skin colour. I had also already noticed my fingers turn claw-like.

However, disregarding whatever changed about my appearance, I also felt far better at everything. Strength, speed, durability, agility, flexibility, reaction speed, everything about me, felt like it had gotten one hundred times better. That, combined with whatever boost I would get from Vera, would give me unimaginable boosts to my abilities.

I also felt some strange sensation in my body. Like I was connected to something with unfathomable power, and that I was related to it in some way.

(Hint: It's something in the Naruto franchise. Or, more accurately, someone :) )

Ignoring that for now, I soon saw sight of the villain that Ryujin found.

She had grey hair, and there were lots of stitches on her body.

(Image here)

(In Present Mic voice): Tero Miyata! Quirk: Vampire! She can drink the blood of her enemies and get stronger from it! However, if she's exposed to the light from the sun, she'll get really badly injured!

She wasn't fighting anyone. She was likely looking for one of the students to fight them.

Too bad that the one she came across was me.

I climbed onto the tree branches hanging above the forest floor, navigating them until I was on the one above her.

I jumped down from the branch, landing behind her. Before she could even register the sound of me landing behind her, I sunk my claws into her back, piercing it. I jumped back up to the branch, now pulling her with me as my hand was sunk into her body. When I got to where the branch was in height, I pierced her chest on it, sticking her onto the sharp branch.

To make sure she wouldn't be able to escape, I destroyed the tendons and muscles in her body by crudely slicing them with my claws, but purposefully making sure that she wouldn't die from those injuries. Her cause of death would be the damages of being impaled on this branch. She would not be found, as this was specific part of the forest was hard to get to, and even then, it looked just like any other area of the forest.

I asked Ryujin to sniff out another villain, and when we got to where he slithered to, I saw two villains. One male, one female. They looked like they were a couple, if their matching outfits and rings had any sort of meaning, at least.

(Present Mic voice) Uya Mita! (The female) Quirk: Speed boost! She can boost the speed of either herself or someone else! This takes stamina to maintain, though!

(Mic voice again) Niwa Bora! (The male) Quirk: Power boost! He can boost the strength of either himself or someone else! This takes stamina to maintain!

(They got married largely because they were marvelled at how similar their quirks were. Not legally recognized though. Obviously. Villains.)

"Ryujin, you get the bitch. I will kill the male." I whispered to my companion.

Ryujin sprung at the woman incredibly fast and bit her on the neck, killing her instantly.

At this point, even before killing her and getting another boost, his teeth could easily pierce a solid cube of steel. Now, they only got stronger thanks to him killing her.

By the time the male had realised his wife was gored by a snake, he was killed by having his heart pierced from behind by a clawed hand. He died almost instantly.

For several minutes, this is what happened. Jokara would kill a villain, he would tell Ryujin to find another one, and the cycle would repeat.

Dead bodies of villains littered the forest. Some were decapitated, some had a hole where their heart was supposed to be located only for it to be a few feet away from their corpse, some had multiple missing body parts.

Unknown to Jokara, the main villains had gotten what they came for and had left a few seconds ago. He had picked off the only villains that were still behind or that hadn't escaped yet.

When he had killed the last villain, he was surprised when Ryujin indicated that there were no more unfamiliar scents anywhere anymore.

Another thing he noticed just now was that his transformation had worn off. However, he felt like there was something in his body now, ready to be unleashed whenever he willed it. He focused on that feeling, and the first few signs of his transformation showed up. The grey skin, the sharpening nails, and his hair was starting to go from white to grey. However, he stopped it there. He didn't need to do that right now.

He had made sure not to get any blood on him when he was killing the villains so that it wouldn't set off any questions when he returned to the others.

When he returned, everyone looked relieved that he was alive.

"Sweetie, where's Kota?", Mom 1 asked.

When she said his name, I couldn't even imagine mustering the strength to tell them. But, I had to. They needed to know.

"... Dead", I managed to mutter.

That one word changed the mood around from bad to worse. Everyone's relief instantly died. Especially the relief of my parents. No one said anything. They couldn't. What would they even say? "Sorry", would make it worse. Blame would be a worse version of a sorry in terms of the effect.

Emergency service arrived hours later to help the injured and check on everyone else.

I couldn't be around anyone right now. I ran to the lodge and into my room, and locked the door.

-3rd POV-

And so, the attack on the summer training camp had ended. But, despite that, the effects of it would be felt by those involved for much longer.

The Pussycats would forever remember this day as one of the worst days in their lives.

The students would remember it as a motivation to get stronger to make sure they are prepared for it ever happening again.

But to Jokara, it was the day that the most changed. His aspirations, his way of achieving them, his attitude, his outlook on everything, etcetera,

But most importantly, it was the day he lost himself, and was replaced by a colder version of himself.

Jokara is dead. Long live Jokara.