Chapter 36: Aftermath

(Daily Music: Sicko Mode- Travis Scott)

The aftermath of the night was incredible. Discussions on Jokara became the number one topic in all of Japan as well as the rest of the world once the rest of the world learned of the events.

The discussions went over lots of topics. His savagery, his power, his move on attacking All Might to stop him from interfering, his words, his terrifying way of torturing and killing All For One, etcetera.

Heroes, villains and civilians alike all grew to fear the boy. Heroes because he didn't embody the "saviour" attitude that they all modelled themselves towards, seeming to actually be repulsed by those that tried to appeal to the public. He also displayed that he held zero apprehension to killing, as, even with heroes that were more violent than the majority, such as Endeavor, they never showed to think to kill their enemies. However, not only did Jokara show to willingly do it, it was the first thing he tried to do, as it was clear that he wasn't holding back even a small bit of his power during his fight to try and simply incapacitate All For One, something that even All Might, his greatest foe, was doing.

Another thing that baffled the world was what happened with the black and purple essence that came from All For One, went into the bone he was being stabbed by, why Jokara then stabbed himself with it, and why All For One was so much weaker than before when that happened.

(Speaking of All For One and Quirks, give me some ideas for Quirks that Jokara could take for himself using All For One. Before you suggest, these are Quirks that I won't accept: Pain Nullification, Regeneration of any kind, and any Quirks that only give the user flight or things similar to it. It can be something that could be used to give flight, but not just flight. Also, I will more heavily consider Quirks that start off meh, but can become super good with training.)

In short, the world's biggest discussion at the moment, and probably for a good while, was of Jokara's fight against the Symbol Of Fear.

And what was the man of discussion doing?

Talking with his family.

-Jokara POV-

When I got back to my family, I was honestly expecting them to be upset with me resorting to killing. As saddening as it was, they were in the same profession as the spineless heroes who put morals over lives.

However, to my surprise, they were happy with me. They were glad that I put a permanent end to All For One.

They all gave me strong hugs, thanking me for not being afraid to do what was needed.

"You did the best thing you possibly could have done, son.", Dad happily told me.

"I'm proud of you for putting that bastard down.", Mom 3 assured me.

"We don't care what anyone else says, you did what we and all other heroes were too spineless to do.", Mom 2 praised me.

"Thanks to what you did, he won't take away anyone else's Quirks to terrorise other people with", Mom 1 said.

I was glad that they weren't like the foolish heroes who would try and apprehend me for doing what should have been done.

Keyword being try.

Now, to give Mom 3 her Quirk back.

"I have something to tell you all, and it absolutely has to remain a secret that only we have the knowledge of, okay?", I opened. They nodded, curious of what I was going to tell them.

"I made a bone with a Quirk Steal property to take All For One's Quirk. I could only use a bone with that property once throughout my entire life, so I can't use that to take anyone else's ability ever again. However, with the type of Quirk he had, I essentially just gained another way to do it. And, when I got it, it still had Mom 3's Quirk with it."

They were stunned. First at the part of my Quirk Steal property, then even further stunned at the part where I told them I took his Quirk, and the shock only peaked when I told them I have Mom 3's Quirk.

One of the greatest things about All For One's Quirk is that he can not only use the Quirks for himself, he can give them to other people.

I put my right hand on Mom 3's right hand.

I focused on something in my body, and willed to send it into Mom 3's body. It travelled from my body into hers, and, judging by her face of shock, she got her Quirk back.

She enveloped me in a tight hug, thanking me profusely. She had her Quirk back, and she could still be a hero.

After 45 minutes of just resting with my family, I decided to go to bed. Tonight was tiring.

When I got into bed, I was thinking. Would UA still accept me? I basically killed on live television across all of Japan. Even though I regretted nothing, it would probably bring negative attention to UA.

(Alright guys, vote. Should he still be in UA, or should he become a vigilante? I've got some ideas for how things will go if you choose vigilante. Hint: Shie Hassaikie Raid (Shie Hassaikai is the Yakuza Group that Overhaul was a part of)