Chapter 44: Two More

(Daily Music: Boku No Hero Academia - FULL ENGLISH OP3 (Singing to the Sky - Opening Cover)

For tonight's patrol, I decided to patrol in areas that, while connected to the main city, were still in poor conditions. For example, near the red light districts.

I obviously kept to the rooftops and other high altitudes to avoid being spotted by anyone, civilian or hero alike.

For a good while, there wasn't any worthwhile activity. Just the standard for an area as catered to the repulsive needs of the city dwellers as the red light district. Drunken fools, open harlots, debauchery on full display. Until after 10 minutes of observation.

A man was making a gesture with his hands where he closed it while looking at someone, and every time he did it, his eyes would go from left to right as if he was reading something invisible to everyone else.

At first, I wrote it off as another weird person. But when he showed varying reactions during his "reading", I got curious.

After doing it for a fifteenth time, he started walking away, into the damp and dark alleys in the area.

I decided to follow him from above.

Manoeuvring from rooftop to rooftop, I tailed him. When he got to a dead end, he took out a cell phone and called someone, talking with them,

"Got some new stuff for you, boss. One of em' has some pretty valuable information we could put up for a pretty good amount.", he said.

He waited a few seconds, likely listening to his "boss", before talking again.

"I think his address could go for a couple thousand. His personal stuff, though, we could probably push for a few hundred thousand."

So, this scumbag has some kind of ability that gives him information about people by doing that strange gesture, and he gives this information to his "boss", and they both sell that information for money.

Looks like I've got my first target for the night.

I made a sharp bone manifest on my wrist, jumped down from the rooftops, and slammed the blade into his neck. The blade pierced straight through his neck and went out the other end of it.

Before he died, I use All For One and took his Quirk. I was curious if it was like what I thought it was.

If it was, I now had a great way of catching people who are much better at hiding their crimes.

(This Quirk was suggested by Smithsonian86_

His suggestion was based off of something from the Dishonoured series called The Heart.

Quick question, are the Dishonoured games any good? Should I try them? If so, which game should I start with?)

With him dead, I left the scene, looking for any more scum to kill and steal Quirks from. I wanted to get one more before going back to bed to not get caught not being home by one of my parents trying to check up on me.

I chose to just explore any alleys I come across instead of stationing in one specific area this time. I found lots of villains, not surprisingly. This would be how I test the Quirk I had just stolen.

I did the gesture that the one who originally had the Quirk did to do what I assume was activate it while looking at the one on the left: A woman with feathery wings and a beak.

A voice whispered into my ear, and a screen of text also appeared in front of me that she didn't seem to notice.

"Haru Otoi. Quirk: Eagle. She has all the abilities of an eagle, including enhanced perception, flight, talons and a sharp beak."

That's what it told me about her name and Quirk. But it actually told me a lot more. A LOT. Blood type, dreams, aspirations, personal information, family, personality, fighting style, morals, likes, dislikes. There was even more that it told me, that was just some of it.

This Quirk was very interesting, and would definitely be extremely useful.

With my testing done, I pierced through Haru's head with a sharp bone, the brain stuck on the sharp end of it, like meat on a skewer. She dropped dead instantly.

I continued to explore alleyways, finding far more villains that I ever did by doing stationary patrols.

At some point, I found a villain who had lots of his features glowing with a neon light, like bioluminescence. He was producing a similar coloured ball of light in his hands.

Light manipulation.

(This is my way of doing Manny0101's suggestion. He suggested bioluminescence, which I liked, but couldn't see it being that great, so I turned it into light manipulation that just so happens to make you bioluminescent.)

I took his Quirk and dispatched of him extremely quickly simply by kicking his head off. The training with the new weights had escalated my strength to a level where I could easily do this, even with them still on to hinder me.

With him killed, I decided to end the patrol there and return to the lodge. I arrived there shortly, took off my night outfit, and went to sleep.

Tonight was a good haul.