One day, a boy standing on a street was asked by a man "brother what are you doing here"? the boy replied i am waiting for my mother. She locked the house and went to shopping so that I am waiting he

One day, a boy standing on a street was asked by a man "brother what are you doing here"? the boy replied i am waiting for my mother. She locked the house and went to shopping so that I am waiting here. Uncle who are you and what are you doing here? That man replied in this street I killed one child so police are searching me to arrest so i am standing here like a innocent the boy afraid and said ok I will go to my friend house. Immediately man came near to that boy and said if you say this to police will kill you. the boy replied noooooo but he has doubt on the boy so he killed the boy. The boy's mother came and saw his body it is fully blood .she afraid and cried she went near to his son and checking is he is alive but he is deadThe mother fainted after she came to know his son dead. Another boy name Rohit he was 10years old. he is very day he went to park and played football with his friends. Rohit friend kicked the ball fastly the ball went near a tree. Rohit went to take that ball in that time he saw some thing was beside a tree. He went and see one boy dead body is there, Rohit afraid and called the police. police came and saw the body and said like this 20 childrens has been killed by a killer. Even now also we can't find the killer .Rohit wants to know who is the killer and Rohit seeing some news paper in that paper it was written that childrens are being killed by phyco killer. Rohit searching that killer[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: Rohit opened his eyes and he saw a house very dirty .and he walked 4 steps. The killer came and saw Rohit .Rohit said you're the killer.killer said yes Rohit don't have Rohit was silent.the killer said I will kill you very scaryly.rohit said I will kill you.killer Loughed .the killer surrounded Rohit with a rope

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: And one day Rohit playing game alone. in the road.the killer came near the boy and said hi brother .why you're standing here .Rohit said iam playing.rohit asked you know who is killing childrens .killer said yes I know who is the killer.rohit asked who is the killer.killer said that is me and he kidnapped Rohit.

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: Near Rohit knife in a table Rohit taked knife with his leg and he cuted the rope and he tried to escape he can't escape because door are locked.the killer came and saw Rohit trying to escape.killer asked how you cuted the rope.rohit didn't say anything. killer catched rohit

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: And said iam a killer I will catch childrens easily you're are child i can catch you ok .Rohit bited his hand and said if you're bad iam you're dad.he said and he runs . Rohit went to a room and hided in a box .the killer went to the room and searching for that boy .he can't find.

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: The killer and Rohit shooted. the killer.killer didn't die. so Rohit thinked it is not human I think it is ghost.and the killer laughed at Rohit and said. iam not human iam ghost. Rohit asked why are you're killing the childrens.killer said they killed me so I killed them. Rohit said. what

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: The ghost killer is saying his flash day like you five childrens are played cricket iam sitting in the park one boy asked uncle what is your name i said . My name is mohan.i asked what is your name.he said heis name is killer. I said what he said I said for fun my name is Raju I said ooooo.uncle what are your doing

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: I said iam seeing the nature ok I asked what are you doing .me and my friend playing cricket I said ok u play. he said ok bye .I said bye . Raju friends and raju hitted me with the ball very badly I asked why are you hitting me they said .for fun I said don't hit me

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: It is paining. childrens didn't stop and I fainted childrens didn't stop so I killed by the childrens.killer said to Rohit .so iam killing I want to kill you also because your a child. rohit said no you're doing very bad thing

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: This is not right.ghost said the killed me they also did bad thing so iam repeating rohit said you have killed by 5 childrens but you're killing 15 innocent that 5 childrens only you should kill .but that 15 childrens didn't do anything

]En Husband: Ghost said they also childrens so childrens are bad so iam killing.I will you also ok Rohit said noooooo but ghost didn't hear and one window is open. Rohit jumped and escaped by the window

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: Asked where is the house. and Rohit family and the priest went to the house and the priest called the ghost the ghost came and said you all gonna die the priest puted the holy water the ghost

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: Got angry and killed every one . Now also the ghost is their

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: And the ghost got angry Rohit went to his home. Rohit mother and father cried and asked where did you go.rohit said everything and Rohit parent goes to a priest Rohit parent told everything to the priest

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: Police went to sleep .when he open his bedroom door there was many ghost . Ghost said come I want to eat you police afraided and went to his friend house .and said everything his friend said iam a priest show me the house police and his friend went to the house.

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: And Rohit friend Rahul saw the dead body of Rohit .Rahul cried .and he saw Rohit atma.rohit atma said .now iam a killer .he tolled and killed rahul .Rahul brother came to that house.there was .the killer,Rahul,Rohit was ghost .they killed Rahul brother .that night killer ,Rahul,Rohit was partying. there was very noisy police came to the house in that night .there was fully blood.

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: When police go to sleep some sound like. dommmmmm dommmmmm .police thinked some one is out of our house. police opened his door no one is there and police locked his door again sound came police was very afraid .and he thinked the ghost only out of our house

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: Police saw there was Rahul and Rahul dead body. Police afraided and. police breaked windows with his hand and escaped. police investigating Rahul parents .police said to Rahul parent . you're child is dead and now he is a ghost and police say everything what happened .Rahul parent cried and fainted police goes to his home

[21/05, 3:43 PM] En Husband: Killer saw police and the priest priest said I will kill you. Rahul and Rohit said we will kill you Rohit and Rahul got angry so they killed police .the priest got angry so priest went to rip area .there Rahul rip and Rohit rip there priest said .Rohit and Rahul are else I will kill you .he said 10000 times Rohit and Rahul came there as a human . And priest said Mohan come 10000 times Mohan also came as a human Mohan said thanku all said thanku priest said killing is not a right think so what all problems come we as to face ok .all went to there home and lived happy

Kill of oil

[25/05, 12:25 PM] En Husband: Kill of oil

[25/05, 12:25 PM] En Husband: One day a oil supplier named Gagan he is a hard day he's manager said Gagan take this oil to your home for free .Gagan asked why sir. manager said your a hard worker so iam gifting you this oil ok.gagan said ok thanku sir.gagan went to his home and his wife asked .what is there in your hands Gagan said my manager gifted me .his wife said give I will put on my hair. Gagan said take .wife said ok .when she's putting on she's hair.she shouted aaaaaaaaa .Gagan fastly went to she's wife and he saw he's wife full of blood and she died. Gagan cried and said this oil is very bad and killing everyone .I will hit my manager and give this oil to my manager .and Gagan hited and gived the oil to he's manager why did you give this to me . manager didn't say anything and gagan

[25/05, 12:25 PM] En Husband: Gived the oil to the manager.manager got angry so manager putted the oil in his hair so manager died. gagan went to his home .he saw the oil and there was a paper in that its written i will kill you gagan afraid and throwed out of his house again the oil came to his house now. another paper came in that its written you want to throw means

[25/05, 12:25 PM] En Husband: you want to give this oil to anyone then only it will go. gagan said ok .and he said to his friend that i have a oil its super u want. friend said yes gagan gave to his friend. his friend puted on his hair .his friend died.gagan called his hes friend he attend so gagan went to his house.his home he saw his friend was died gagan afraid and went to his house .he saw the oil and this was another letter in that it was written u give a person he died means it will come to you again.gagan was very scard and he said i will give this to my bad friend.and he went to his enemy house and said take this and .put on your hair it is super. enemy said ok you go gagan said ok and went to his home .the enemy on his hair and the enemy died. the oil came to gagan itself .gagan said it is super i think i will kill my enemy it would be with me . and he gave the oil to his all enemy"s and .he said to his enemy it is very super put on your hair.all enemy"s died and it came to gagan itself agan was very happy and said i can kill any one .so i gonna kill everyone and i will take the world . gagan gave this oil to 100 peoples .all died but only 99 died .that 1 didnt die and the oil didnt came also .what happend. after 20 years gagn was sitting .that time that oil came to him and he thinked. the last person died . ok now i will kill everyone and he is killing everyone .one day he saw a priest.he thinked iam gonna kill this priest .he went to kill the priest . he said priest now itself you put this oil its super .the priest smelled that oil and hited gagn and said your trying to kill me. gagan asked how you know .priest said .iam a priest i know what is that by smelling. .gagan said sorry priest i will not do this again .priest said your a bad guy u will do another time .i will kill you and priest puted the oil on gagan hair and gagan died .priest said some prayers and breaked that oil and all peaple live happyly.

Good ghost vs bad ghost

[03/06, 10:15 PM] Kavin Haasan: One day a boy named mohan he is a intelligent boy .the next day mohan was saying something alone and his friend came to his home .he saw mohan was blabbering something.mohan friend asked mohan what are you saying .mohan replied iam not mohan i am janesh.mohan friend asked what

[03/06, 10:20 PM] Kavin Haasan: .mohan said i will kill you.mohan friend said mohan your joking.mohan said i am not mohan i am janesh.mohan friend said i can't believe this your lying.janesh went to his real face and said see i am janesh.mohan friend frainted.and asked why are you in mohan body

[03/06, 10:26 PM] Kavin Haasan: Janesh said his day iam playing football .janesh hitted the ball very fastly mohan came there .the ball hitted mohan .janesh asked sorry but mohan said no you wantedly hitted me

[03/06, 10:31 PM] Kavin Haasan: Mohan got very angry and hitted janesh with knife and janesh died in that spot.mohan scared and went to his home so iam gonna kill him.mohan friend said don't kill mohan is my friend i will give him punishment in Court don't kill him

[03/06, 10:42 PM] Kavin Haasan: Janesh said don't punish him i will kill him mohan friend said no i will not let you to kill my friend .janesh killed mohan with a knife mohan died .mohan friend cried and said i will kill you janesh also pocked him with a knife and mohan friend also becamed ghost and searching janesh and he saw janesh fighting with mohan in the spot three ghost mohan friend,mohan and janesh when janesh hitted mohan .mohan friend killed janesh with a prayer .and mohan and mohan friend lived in heaven very happy.

The space

[25/05, 11:17 PM] En Husband: Once upon a time there was three friends named Kavin,ravish and Haasan .Haasan is a positive thinker.kavin is a intelligent boy and ravish is a hard day Haasan said Kavin and ravish we can study for astronaut .Kavin and ravish said .ok .Haasan said .we will go to space .ravish and Kavin was excited and said .Haasan it is very interesting so we will study astronaut.ravish , kavin and Haasan said ok .after 20 years later they finished college and they said ok we can study for astronaut.and they study and finished. studying astronaut and they got a information that alien are there in space Kavin and Ravin afraid and said to Haasan .Haasan we can study IAS or IPS because I think going to space is very risk .Haasan said we study astronaut we have to help the people's do not afraid ok .ravish and Kavin said ok Haasan we have to help the people's let's go .and they went to space in the rocket they saw everywhere no alien and in up of the rocket some sound like dommmmmm dommmmmm they saw .there 100 alien in the up of rocket kavin sais to shoot the alien Haasan shooted alien didn't die so all went to rocket and went to a island and they raned and said this alien is dangerous and they went to a tree and said don't come hear

[25/05, 11:17 PM] En Husband: Alien didn't hear and attacked them Haasan said Kavin,ravish i didn't say who iam .now I will say .iam a power full super man in Haasan attacked them 50 alien died and another 50 alien attacked them Kavin and ravish as a weapon and shooted them the weapon will kill anything so all alien died and Haasan said wait I will say how many aliens are there in this space Haasan checked and said. There are 1 lakh alien Kavin and ravish said ok we will kill them Haasan said we can't kill that 1 lakh alien so we have to think what to do Kavin and ravish said we can ask what problem Haasan said ok let's go .and all went to aliens .and alien suddenly attacked them Haasan puted a sheild and asked what problem why are you attacking alien said humans are very dangerous so we are killing Haasan ,Kavin and Ravish said. Humans are very innocent alien got angry and attacked Haasan .Haasan said don't attack as

[25/05, 11:17 PM] En Husband: Aliens didn't hear and said I will kill all humans Haasan said .I said the screen at fire and Haasan and shooted all aliens .kavin,ravish said how haasan .Haasan said all my trick and .the king of alien came to there and said you can kill my servent but you can't kill me Haasan ,Kavin and ravish tryed to attack them but they can't attack the alien touched them they all got very much blood and Haasan said to Kavin and ravish that we can't hit the alien but we can anger the alien the alien weakness is water .and they angered the alien the alien came to kill them they raned to a water fall and jumped to water fall .alien also jumped and alien Ashed in the waterfall and Haasan ,Kavin and ravish went to there country and they lived happily

Killing game

Once upon a time there was a boy named. Teja he will always play games and one day in Google a game named killing game and he thinked it will be interesting and he installed that game and opened the game it showed this game will kill who is Playing the game and he said wow I think this is a horror games and he allowed all and played the game in that go to your terrace and jump you will not die and like that he jumped he died and his mother going to shopping when she opened she's house door .she was shocked.there is she's son's dead body .and she cried and she taked a. Knife and she killed her and itself and Teja and his mother died like this a boy named Haasan he thinked we can just play 10minutes any game and he searched in Google there was a app called killing game Haasan installed that game and he opened that game it showed this game will kill you Haasan gave all allow and in that game the first task jump from your terrace you will not die Haasan got a idea Haasan went to his terrace and taked a chair he claimed to chair and jumped to his terrace and he finished first task and he nowed this game is a killing game and he uninstall that app and said to police police arrested the founder of that game