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The doctor came and examined her. Melanie didn't tell him about her aching body, otherwise he could have seen the bruises on it. He then concluded that she overworked herself without taking a proper rest. He gave her a medicine for the fever and headache. Not only that, but he also gave her some sleeping pills but she refused to take it at first, saying that she needed to go back to class.

"Whether you are awake or asleep, if I think that you didn't rest enough to go back, you'll stay here. So if you really want to leave here quickly, take those pills" the doctor said with a pressing look. Melanie had no other choices but to take them. The doctor nodded his head and went back to his desk after closing the curtains.

Since she was already exhausted, it didn't take a long time before the medicine kicked in and she felt asleep. By the time she woke up, it was already time to leave the school. She sprung from the bed, cursing herself for over sleeping. She intended on sleeping a bit to please the doctor then return to class. It seemed that those sleeping pills were really strong. Melanie got up from the bed and left after noticing that the doctor wasn't here. She went back to her history class, hoping that her bag was still there.

—Even after sleeping for three hours, I still feel exhausted. She seriously needs to go easy on her. Now, Dotti come and explain everything for good—

—Where did we leave ? —

—I can somehow fail the world if I act too strangely comparing to the world character—

—Oh, yeah. Well you'll have to really go against the characters behavior to actually trigger this end. Like being outgoing when the original character is an introvert—

—I see. I supposed that if I don't succeed the missions, i'll fail too?—

—Good guess. You'll also fail the world if you raise the suspicions of your close relatives who know you well—

—Too? Okay but I can retry the world if I fail right?—


—.....Don't tell me this a one try thing, Dotti ?!—

—...Yes, but I can explain. Actually it used to determine if you'll effectively be brought back to your world. You have more success than fails, then it's okay. In the other case....—

—I'll die, I know. Actually I feel like all the rules are made for this purpose. Asides from all those forbiddings, is there something that actually help me complete the world? —

—Those are the Destinymeter and the Lovemeter. The first one is related to the original character's wishes. The more you fulfill them, the more you raise the Destinymeter. If you're going in the wrong direction, it'll decrease which is good from preventing you from failing the world—

—So if I win the contest, Melanie's Destinymeter will be filled to 10?—

—Hum, no. Actually Melanie don't have only one wish.—

—Me too, I have so many wishes I want to fulfill now that I had almost had a tragic death—

—....I'm petty sure those are not nobles ones—

—Dotti, I learned today that we only have one life so we should live it to its extent—

—Sure. I hope that all the smutty romance you read, thought you a bit of romance and not only smut because some wish will lead you to fill the Lovemeter of the love interest of the original character—

—Oh, it's Gayle, right? Is one of Melanie's missions? But you know what even if he's not, I'll make him mine, muhahaha—

Sei had a big perverted smile on her face and Dotti knew it was the moment for another tail whipping.

"I stop you here. You can't do anything smutty, they're both underage" she said after materializing next to Sei and aiming for her forehead.

"Ouch, why did you hit me ? You could have just say it." Sei responded while rubbing the sore spot.

"So you'll stay in line"

"I thought you were cute before but you're not anymore, you evil lizard."

Sei covered her forehead to prevent a whipping but Dotti hit her cheek instead.

"I'm not a lizard. You should go back to your classroom, someone is waiting for."

Sei was about to curse at the pink floating devil but her mood lighten on spot.

"Even after I dryly chased him out of here, he still waited for me. What a good boy!" after she noticed that Gayle was waiting for her but as she have to stay in character, she froze as she was supprised. Gayle sprung from the chair when he saw Melanie.

"Do you feel better?" He asked, feeling awkward.

"Were you waiting for me?" Melanie asked while getting closer. Her bag was next to him. Gayle who saw her eyeing it answered immediately.

"Yes and I look after your bag for you. I intended on waiting for you here a bit before going to check the infirmary."

"Thank you then" Melanie said, taking her bag.

—Wait. Will she just leave like this? I thought Gayle was her love interest. How could she treat him so coldly?—

—She liked him indeed but she never made a move. Even when Gayle tried to get close to her, she thought he was just being nice to her.—

—Oh wow, great, she's also oblivious.—

When Gayle noticed that Melanie was about to leave, he grabbed her arm in a hurry to stop her. She then looked at him with a surprised expression and Gayle released her as if he was burnt, while his cheeks heated up.

"D–Do you feel better? What did the doctor say? Not like you have to tell me, it's private" he asked while scratching the back of his head, avoiding her gaze.

"Yes, I feel better. I was just overworked" Melanie answered with a faint smile. She was afraid that Gayle will look at her with pity but he just looked genuinely worried.

—Tang! Gayle's Lovemeter increase by 1—

"It's good...No, it's bad... Wait what I mean, is that it's bad that you're overworked but it's good if you feel better" Gayle hurriedly corrected himself, while checking if he didn't offend her.

—Ah love. He can't even think straight with only a smile. What is his current Lovemeter, Dotti?—

—It's already at 5.5. It's mean that he has a strong crush on you that can easily develop into a relationship. —

—So it'll reach 10 if I date him?—

—10 means that he's totally in love with you. You don't necessary need to date your love interest to increase his Lovemeter. Also once it reaches 10, it can't decrease anymore—

—Oh cool. For once you gave me a useful rule—

Melanie chuckled and Gayle smiled at the sight. He then remembered that he wanted to give herthe notes of the class she missed.

"And also I can give you my notes if you want since you missed the rest of the classes." Gayle proposed while searching his bag.

"Oh true. I actually intended on asking the teachers but I think yours will be better. Is it okay to hand them to me?" Melanie asked.

"Yeah don't worry"

"Thank you. I'll return them to you fast" Melanie said with a polite smile but it was bigger than the last time.

"OK" Gayle answered also smiling. They stared at each other awkwardly before Melanie broke it.

"See you then" She said before almost flying out of the room. Gayle stared at the exit she just passed for a bit, still smiling before leaving too.