1 - 14

"What ?"

It was the only thing she managed to say. The doctor, sensing that he had hit the bullseye, sat where Gayle had been before. Melanie barely composed herself and answered again, stumbling a bit on her words.

"I-I think you're mistaken. It was simply a-an accident, it wasn't intended". She wasn't lying. Natalie didn't push intentionally . . . But she did not call the emergencies either.

"Let's admit that. Then what about the bruises that are quite old ?"

Upon hearing those words, Melanie felt her insides twist violently while feeling light-headed at the same time. She didn't know if she wanted to faint or vomit. She always despised those kinds of situations where people would catch on to her family situation. They would look at her with pity and compassion and act like they were going to help her, only to be fooled by Natalie pretending to be a victim too, using her pretty privilege and her always shitty boyfriends. As a result, she grew to feel angry and frustrated whenever it happened, and sometimes, it was a bit of shame for still hoping that she'd receive help. Perhaps now, since she was feeling weak due to her injuries, those feelings have taken on a physical form.

—Oh my poor baby, this is not your fault. You're the victim here, you don't have to feel like this. I swear, if I put my hands on that Natalie woman—

—For once, I agree with you, even the Natalie part, but be aware of the Out Of Character warning. Melanie does fight back against her mom, but she would never start a fight—

—I know, Dotti. Actually, I'll take you as an example and make someone else do it for me and savor her downfall, muhahaha—

—Not the evil laugh, please—

—Oh but wait, I really feel like fainting, I'm seeing white dots—

Melanie held her head, shutting her eyes tightly, as the dizziness was getting stronger, and tried taking deep breaths to ease her nausea. The doctor quickly stood up to check on her.

"Please calm down. My intention was never to put you in such distress. We are here to help you, Melanie"

"I want to be alone" She managed to whisper, battling with her inner turmoil.

"Melanie . . ."

"Please ! I don't feel well, I want to rest"

She felt him hesitating before hearing a deep sigh. He agreed to let her rest and said that he would be back later before leaving. Knowing that Gayle would barge in soon after the doctor's departure, Melanie managed to turn on her side, her back facing the door, as she didn't think she would be able to look at his face. "He must know", "The doctor definitely told him" and "He's probably thinking about how pathetic I am" were the thoughts that kept spiraling in her head, adding to her helplessness.

"Melanie, is everything okay?"

She heard Gayle's concerned voice and wanted to casually answer that she was just tired. However, she could not bring herself to utter a word and further squeezed her eyelids, hoping he would catch on to the fact that she wanted to be alone. To her dismay, she sensed him shifting positions so he could face her, which was still not enough to make her acknowledge him.

"Mel, look at me" Gayle said with a clear voice. It wasn't particularly nice or aggressive. After seeing the expressions on the doctor's face, he guessed what they talked about and confirmed it eventually, seeing Melanie hiding from him.

Usually he would give her space when she wanted it, even if it meant keeping him at a distance each time. He always wished to be a better support for her, and now was his chance. This was a situation she shouldn't be facing alone, and he was determined to get her to let him in for once.

"Mel, please." Gayle pleaded again. A long silence stretched between until Melanie decided to open finally meet his gaze. She wasn't a coward and, took this time to muster her courage and readied herself to receive another look full of pity from someone she never wished to receive from. She was surprised to meet an impassible face, yet she still looked at him with suspicion.

"Thank you, I'm-"

"Whatever you heard . . . I can take care of it myself. I don't need . . . you don't have to get involved" Melanie censured him, sharply. In spite of that, she corrected herself, not to sound too harsh. This was the last warning she would give him and her first defense mechanism. Then again, Gayle didn't appear to back down. He took her hand, his gaze turning fierce.

"But I want to be involved ! You're my girlfriend and someone hurt you. How can I possibly look away ?! I went through all sort of emotions yesterday, from guilt to disgust towards myself, but now I'm just so angry. More than helping you, I want to do this so I won't lose my sanity, please !"

Melanie was rendered speechless by his sudden outburst. The more he talked, the more the violent sentiments inside him were palpable. His grip on her hand was hurting her, even so, she barely felt it due to the relief that washed over her. His reaction was nothing like she awaited, and while she should have tried to calm him since it wasn't like him to be like this, she was weirdly feeling happy.

Meanwhile, Gayle, who interpreted her silence as reticence, was getting up. He intended to give her some time to make her mind. Melanie, seeing him trying to leave, quickly grabbed his arm with her healthy hand and struggled to get up to a sitting position. Gayle immediately took the matter in his hands and pulled her carefully. Much to his surprise, when Melanie was finally sat, she pulled him in a tight hug. He belatedly responded to her embrace, since he wasn't expecting this outcome.

"Thanks . . . for being angry"

Gayle laughed wryly at her formulation and hugged her even closely. He ended up laying next to her as she didn't show any sign of letting go. They didn't exchange any more word as they huddled together. Melanie rested her head on Gayle's chest, his heartbeat soothing her to sleep.

—Yeeeeessss! We finally seeked help. I was really worried about how i will save her ass all alone. New Character : Boyfriend added ! What are his stats, Dotti ? I hope he's strong —

— Don't bring me into your nonsense. Nevertheless, there are notifications pending regarding Gayle's Lovemeter and the Destinymeter —

—Oh Sweet ! I wonder how long until he totally fall in love with me. I already tried the jealousy card, now with the "I'm hurt badly" card, it must have gone quite up —

— You should be more worried about the Destinymeter than the Lovemeter, you dumb fish —

— Dumb fish ? What a lame insult, I knew you more creative. Anyway this a strategy, Dotti, a stategy —

— To get laid that's it ? —

— Omy, Dotti, you know me so well, hehehe —

Dotti let out a dissapointed sigh while considering changing her host.

— So do you want the notifications or not ? —

—Hum . . . I'm feeling quite sleepy, so later please —

Dotti didn't argue anymore and simply let her sleep. When Melanie woke up, Gayle was still asleep. Since yesterday was pretty intense in emotions, she deducted that he didn't get much sleep. This and also the fact that he didn't move an inch when she separated herself from him - she did it very carefully tough.

She took this opportunity to look closely at his sleeping features. His defined jawline and his relatively high cheekbones gave him a sharp looking face that is usually soothed by his gentle aura and bright smile. Now, his resting face looked even more like the work of the master sculptor. Plus, the way his hair and lashes were resting delicately against his skin gave the impression of an extreme softness. Melanie slowly brushed the strands of hair on his forehead, conceding to her impulse but not wanting to disturb him.

All of a sudden, she heard the door open, surprising her. She quickly retrieved her hand, as if she's been caught doing something wrong, and whipped her head to see who entered, her face slightly flushing with embarrassment. It was the doctor, and Melanie thought that he had a talent for putting her in an awkward situation.

"Good, you're awake. I came earlier, but you both were in a heavy sleep, so I didn't want to bother you" The doctor announced while making his way to the bed, seemingly not having noticed her precedent behavior. Melanie's embarrassment reached a new peak when she realized the scene she and Gayle were displaying.

She shuffled to get away from Gayle, almost kicking him off the bed. He woke up in the process, very disoriented. He straightened himself, slowly assessing the situation. Contrary to Melanie, he wasn't the slightest bothered by it.

"Do you need to examine her ? Should I move?" He asked the doctor.

"There is no need"

Gayle still got off the bed after Melanie glared at him. The doctor hid his smile while using a flashlight to check her eyes.

"Do you feel dizzy ? Having a headache ? Did you happen to feel confused ? Like you can't concentrate ?"

The doctor listed various symptoms related to Melanie's injuries and after assessing that she was indeed okay, he told her that she could finally leave the hospital.

"Also regarding . . . what happened earlier-"

"I'm sorry for reacting like this. I-"

"No need to apologize really. It was a sensitive topic to be discussed with a stranger. I won't force you to talk about it, still my office is always open for you. Here is my card"

Melanie was sure she would never call him — she trusted Gayle but that was Gayle — yet she took the card and thanked the doctor. He looked satisfied, thus he left them once again. Not long after, Melanie —it was definitely Gayle — started packing her belonging to leave the hospital. As she was making sure that she didn't forget anything, Gayle brought up a topic that he knew will be sensitive.

"I want you to come with me" 

"Come with you where?" Melanie wondered, a bit confused by his words.

"To my house" 

Melanie lifted her eyes towards him, a frown twisting her features.

"If you go back to your house, you might run into your mom. I don't think it's prudent given that you're not fully recovered" Gayle stated. Melanie started pondering. She understood what Gayle meant, even so she wasn't thrilled by the idea of going to his house.

"It's okay. She won't come back for a few days"

"Melanie please. You agreed to let me help you, right?" Gayle pleaded, swiftly pulling her in his embrace. He brushed a light kiss on top of her ear, making her shiver a bit in his arms.

—Dotti, do you see this? How am I supposed to hold back ? How?! —

—I don't care about what he does, only what you do matter, so you better hold back —

— You're truly evil —

Since the boyfriend's card worked once, it wouldn't cause any harm to use it again. Fortunately, it worked once more, seeing how Melanie hugged him back while resting her head on his shoulder.

"Your parents will be there, right ? I don't want them to see me and ask questions"

"Right. . . However, we don't have to tell them the whole story. I just gonna tell them that you're sleeping over"

"Do you usually invite girls over?"

"W-What ? No, I don't ! Actually, I have never !" Gayle fumbled, realizing now how odd it might have sound since he said it as if it was en evidence. Melanie almost chuckled, amused by his behavior 

"So they'll definetely find it suspicious if you suddenly bring a girl. And i'm actually spectical they'll accept"

"I know how to-"

"What about you staying with me at my house ? Since I believe you want to keep me at sight"

Gayle's brain froze for an instant before passing from 0 to 100 with all the possibilities that Melanie's sentence might lead to. First he was a bit atonished that she could invite him so casually. He did the same, still he took the fact that his parents wil be there. In this case, they will be all alone at her house. . . All alone . . . At her house. . . A slight blush creeped on his cheek as his train of thought drifted towards dangerous waters. He promptly admonished himself for hoping for someting else when he should be focused on her safety. 

Gayle suddenly grabbed her by her shoulders and separated himself from Melanie while looking at her with a resolute expression"Okay let's do that !" 

Melanie was slightly taken aback by his passion but at least they reached a common ground. They could now leave this place.